
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 09:49:22
用过去式写英语作文清明节用过去式写英语作文上个清明节,六年级下册U3单元,急! 关于清明节的英语文章(过去式) 写清明节我的一天,要用过去式写,不少于40个单词 用适当的介词或连词填空Study hard,() you will fail in the next exam.It's () hot () we do not want to go out.It's very kind () you to help me.I had a test last week ()got a full mark.My mother cut the cake () a knife. 根据哪种动物发明了什么,最好还能根据这个动物的特点在生活中做试验.例:根据蝗虫的腿特别长,越长跳得越远,纸青蛙的腿长一些,也能跳得更远. 用适当介词或连词填空1)Look for(寻找)this country ( ) the map.2)He likes to live( )the city ( )Beijing.3)Thanks( )your letter.4)His father has lunch ( )him.5)Australia is southeast ( )China.6)What do they speak ( )Canada? 用适当的连词或者介词填空listen,you must do _ I will tell youI am late That is _ I went to bed late last nightone more work,_ we will finish all the work 用恰当的介词或连词填空.Grandpa is often ill now,he is not____healthy____before. 用介词或连词填空study hard,()you will fail in the next exam .it is ()hot() we do not want to go out. 没有人拒绝微笑单位位于闹市区,上班时间经常有小商小贩乘门卫不注意,偷偷溜进办公大楼,推销商品.有时当我们专心致志地工作时突然有商贩敲门,有的甚至不敲门直接推门进来推销商品,打 没有人拒绝微笑 1比较我们与小伙子的态度,我们常常是 ,而小伙子常常是 .这反映了小伙子具有 的品格.2联系上下文,在第七段横线处为小伙子补写一句掷地有声的话.3联系全文,体会第九段,为 He told ____funny a story that we all like him 用such或so回答 没有人可以说你不行 阅读答案我昨天做完了.现在要大树王国——天目山3天前就做完了.不用了 it was_____ story that all of us laughed a.so fun b.so a funny c.such fun d.such a funny It was such afunny show that people cloudn't help laughing again and again.为什么那个空填 laughing?还有另外的选项(A.laugh B.to laugh C.正确 D to laughing)还有句子的意思很模糊, We had a good health___that funny storyA at B of C.on D.over 对联:二猿断木深山中,小猴子也敢对锯(句)、狗啃河上(和尚)骨 有没有类似河流东坡尸狗啃和尚骨头这类有趣的小故事苏东坡有个好朋友是个和尚 与苏东坡开玩笑将苏东坡的诗扔进河里随即念到河流东坡诗 苏东坡随手将手里骨头扔向河边旁边的狗跑过 英语翻译翻译成英语 妈妈说这个世界上除了我自己没有人真心对我好. 没有人知道在我心中的痛,没有人能理解我,我不知道我能保持多久,我不知道为什么来到这个世界上 易呗VOA慢速英语听力 名著西游记详细的描写一下某一个回合的内容.比如大闹天宫. 名著 《西游记》1.《西游记》中,孙悟空原为东盛神州花果山上的一块仙石,他拜谁为师?2.唐僧西天取经,经历十四个寒暑,横跨十万八千里之遥,途经不少奇异的国度,其中你印象深刻的国家有— 关于西游记名著谁给一章西游记的片段 我也不懂是一章 还是一节 就是一个完整的故事吧 西游记这部名著给我们什么启示 用“介词+关系代词“填空China has hundreds of islands,the largest( )( )is TaiwanThe school has 2600 students,two thirds( )( )are girlsWater is a liquid ,the freezing point( )( )is 0 dregreesGive me a piece of paper( )( )l can write 介词加关系代词填空The teacher __ __ I learnt most was Mrs.Zhu.What's the name of the sport __ __ you go in a boat.Mathematics is the subject __ __ i am most interest.this is the question __ __ we have had a disscussion. 用介词加关系代词填空1.There were 20 singers in The same Song yesterday,________four came from Hong Kong.2.John has interest in playing many kinds of sports,________basketball and badminton are his strong points.3.He is a man with rich 用适当的“介词+关系代词”形式填空the fur coat _the lady was dressed was very expensive.it is family of eight children,all_are stundying music.the family_i stayed in rome is coming to england soon.he has written a book,the name_i have 用 介词,+关系代词填空(英语题)the boy was staying in the room ____window he could climb downhe"s the man____i learnt the newswho"s the man____you just shook hands?this is the way____she studies Englishthe 5 yuan___he bought the book 初一的所有课本 教科书初一的