
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:20:37
your now yuo do have room owo连词造句 沉鱼落雁是指谁和谁 Think you have been around I think you have been together什么意思 Think of four places you have been to.的意思 I want to be more shiny than the sun how many beef is there on the plate怎么改错 风电场如何我打算去应聘一个正在筹建的风电场电气专工,我身体不是太好(登高没有问题),且怕冷,不知那里的条件如何?我能适应吗?如果仅是荒凉,寂寞我倒是没问题的. How many people there are in your family?改错 -do you know his address?--it is NO.29 or NO.19 of bridge street ,i'm not sure of ___(which/where)-do you know his address?--he lives at NO.29 or NO.19 of bridge street ,i'm not sure of ___(which/where) Do you know -----?I'm not sure.maybe an artist.A what the man with long hair is B what is the man with long hairCwho the man with long hair is D who is the man with long hair 肯定不选BD请问AC选择哪个?为什么? 四,上下文填空:A:( ) ,boys Is there a restaurant here B:Yes,( )It’s( ) to the supermarket.B:Let me .Oh,yes,And there are some food shops too.You can buy many there.A:I want to go to Nanjing( ) ,Are there any clothes( ) there?B:Let me ( ) . 填空: Jim, you should listen to your teacher carefu填空:Jim, you should listen to your teacher carefully (). 英语we need to bring criminals to justice.to 后面怎英语we need to bring criminals to justice.to 后面怎么加了名词? 风电mw是什么单位 关于计算电场所具有的能量我是这样想的:1mol的酸碱发生中和反应,反应前在微观上看来存在电场,反应完后电场消失了,这是因为电场对外做功,转化成了热能.所以一个单位的电荷所具有的能 XXX has promised to bring to justice the killers of …… =bring to 在这里没看明白到底什么用法= = bring villains of all sorts to justice是什么意思? I wanner you to show me .歌词一首英文歌女生唱的 里面歌词有这一句还有什么“I am sorry”什么的谁知道呀 1 i me my mine 2 you you your yours……,这些人称的不同形式(四种)帮我列出它们跟在什么词前面或后面例如:有的跟在名词前,有的在动词后……我忘了,拜托帮个忙!不懂的话别浪费口水 I wish you belong with me. 求一篇英语小短文,关于the symbol of modern technology 和 future technology 的 it is clear that sleeping is necessary to everyone I WILL SHOW YOU THE LION HIMSELF是什么意思 i'm as tall as your brother,aren't 请问为什么用aren't 小学的英语连词成句我不会英语啊,帮我连词成句下Eric(人名),this,is,in,what,hello,English 英语连词成句小学 yesterday,john,some,showed,beautiful,us,pictures 初三英语! 1.Mary made him wait for half an hour.改被动语态 Can't get u out of my mind...怎么翻译 I wish you sweet dreams ,the best have my dreamde的中文意思是什么 is this your cousin 用英语怎样回答