
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 14:18:44
人教版语文初二下第一单元作文《珍藏的记忆》 珍藏的记忆 作文 要七八百字的, 改成宾语从句.“What does Sally think of the book?"the teacher asked.The teacher asked ________________________________. 改宾语从句1.She said," I am not good at it myself"2.Sue said,"What programme are you watching,Dad? "3.She asked,"Why didn't you come to our discussion yesterday."4.We need to konw how to make wise choices when we are shopping.5.I'II show you how A改宾语从句1.Have you ever listenen to her programme?He asked me.2.How long has he worked in the radio studio?Can you tell me?3.Is my father sitting close to the garden or not?I wanted to know.4.They win the first prize.They were happy to know.5 两题都要答对给好评,先到先得! 野步 表达了诗人怎样的心情 杂诗表达了诗人怎样的情感?杂诗唐 王维军自故乡来,应知故乡事.来日绮窗前,寒梅著花未.顺便写上意思 1 如果一个三角形的一条角平分线 恰好是对边上的高,那么这个三角形中一定有 ( )A 一个是直角 B 两条边相等 C 三条边相等 D 一个是钝角2 下列各组三角形中,是全等三角形的是( )A 顶角为钝角 1、要使100÷(4-2a)有意义,a不能等于( )A、0 B、1 C、2 D、32、一个三角形的三个角中最小的角是46度,这个三角形是( )A、锐角三角形 B、直角三角形 C、钝角三角形 D、以上都有可能 glorious day翻译中文是什么意思 形容中国外国的学问都很精通的成语是什么? 改宾语从句 质量 5题Does the old man know French?I don'know(+前面一句话改成宾语从句)Is it like a tiger or a cat She askedWere he words right?I can't understandDid she prefer to go the USA?I wonderWhat will he do next?He hasn't dec 核桃和猫,这篇寓言故事的道理是什么?是要有自己的看法么 爱吹嘘的小猫这则寓言告诉了我们什么道理 枫桥夜泊中直接表达诗人情感的一句是? 唐朝诗人张继的《枫桥夜泊》抒发了诗人什么样的心情? 枫桥夜泊通过夜泊时什么什么,描绘了枫桥清丽冷落的什么季节的夜景,抒发了诗人什么的心情. 一般问答句.Where are you going this afternoon?_____________________________What are you going to do there _____________________________When are you going?_____________________________问题不多就这么多分.答的快再加20作业太多懒 完整句回答问题. 三到六年级英语所有问答句一问一答快!满意加分 Family Day 中文怎么翻译 商场出售一种商品,每售出一件可获利35元,售出60%后,每件降价10元出售.全部售完,共获利3100元.商场共售出这种商品多少件 mational day 的中文翻译是什么 某商店出售每出售一件获利18元,售出5/3后每件降价10元出售结果全部售完,获利3000元.一共多少件 某商店出售某种产品,每出售一件可获利18元,售出五分之三,每件商品降价10出售,结果完全售完,共获利3000这个商店共出售这种产品多少件 商店卖出一把伞获利18元,卖出2∕5后,降价10元,全部卖出后共获利3000元,商店一共卖出多少把伞? will 还有用法?如:Who will be replacing me You'll be a lot of men dropping from the sky today.句中will be的意思和用法;还有第2句中dropping为什么要用进行时 英语不好,见笑了.第二句错了,是There'll be a lot of me 英语翻译单词:village beautiful句子:1.There is a bridge over the river.2.They are climbing trees.Oh,here comes two dogs.3.They are running now. 英语翻译take-over systemgrippercollect chuck最后一个写错了,是collet chuck 求一段英译中的审计翻译The Series A Preferred Shares are automatically converted into ordinary shares upon the closing of a qualified public offering, which means a firm commitment underwritten initial public offering and listing on an inte 英语翻译