
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:41:54
Will you please go and empty that drawer?A,How is it B,How much C,What for D,What is it Will you please go ang empty that drawer?A.What forB.What is itC.How is itD.How come look at the sign!you __ park your bike here.a may notb don'tc needn't d mustn't 选哪个 为什么? 草泥马,啥意思 烈日炎炎似火烧的全文 “烈日炎炎似火烧”对一个下联 烈日炎炎似火烧,野田禾稻半枯焦.农夫心内如汤煮,公子王孙把扇摇.这首诗的作者是谁? they agreed ___the date for the next meetig.a to ,b withc about d on 选D,agree on /to /with 有什么区别 英语:Julia,will you please go and empty that drawer?-_________?A.How is itB.How muchC.What forD.What is it速求 草泥马是啥意思 求以K结尾的英语动物名词求十个以k结尾的英语动物名词,最好不要太简单. Why don't you put your bike over there?改为同义句, 春花秋月的古诗词句古诗词句就行了 像“骄阳似火”这样的词有什么?(2个)()()似() 时间就是生命的事例 不要太长 写800字议论文用的 英语中名词以“o”结尾只加“es”的单词 谁帮我写篇作文 以“得到”为话题的议论文 要有2个事例 要求800字以上 . BARKING AT THE MOON 的歌词 unexpectedly,she was even declined right to attend the 急求barking at the moon 伴奏 She apologized for ____ to attend the meeting.2010-7-21 09:24 提问者:crystal_510 | 浏览次数:787为什么选D 英语barking at the moon怎么解释?好像有故事或传说的? She apologized for ( ) to come 请问这一题应该选什么,为什么?A、her not being able b.not being able She said she would go and she______- goA did't b did c would d will 这是什么语法点 Barking at the Moon 是谁唱的?雷霆战狗的插曲,知道的说下, She is going to attend the meeting next month.(attend the meeting提问) Jey said she would go to Eagypt改一般疑问句 为什那么地震,土地会裂开?开口通向哪里?小时候遇便想知道,裂开的开口通向哪?人掉进去该怎么办?后来土地会自己闭合? 看图猜成语呯一声响,田地裂开. 在“风、雨、树”中选择两种景物来表达自己获得成功时的喜悦心情要短一点, 在"风,雨,树"中选择两种景物来表达自己或别人获得成功时的心情. 用风树雨表达自己遭受挫折,受到批评时的心情.