
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 18:35:16
I learned that Beijing will have a clear sky .这个结构怎么分析,怎么既有过去时又有将来时? I learned that Beijing will have a clear sky.语法对么?为什么是用will而不是would呢? 谁能帮我paraphrase需要paraphrase.不是翻译,是给一个Paraphrase.希望字数paraphrase多了更好,不能字数少.句型一定要不一样 用词也尽量不要用原词.Why Foreign Direct Investment is significant role to Canadian Econom we are not interesed in that model的中文意思是什么 写这段的paraphraseThen the trickle of immigrants became a stream,and the population began to move westward—not to grab and leave but to settle and live,they thought.The newcomers were of peasant stock and they had their roots in a Europe where Bob ,can you tell us about your future?i am not sure about about my future ()A yet B alreadly C either D at all times 与其...不如...是什么词性 填介词:1-Thursday 2Tuesday morning 3-the aftermoon 4-nigh 在周四下午——( )thursday afternoon 前面用什么介词 paraphrase用英文解释英文不要中文解释what did you do wi th the rubbish? 成语厚积勃发,还是厚积薄发 求翻译:经常受伤的人应该保持沉默,厚积勃发 【养之欲而积之厚】 厚积与勃发的事例额.尽量多一点 蓝精灵插羽毛的说add 3 path end to the village 英语翻译紧急! 美绝人寰是什么意思 挺拔伟岸是什么意思快快快 We are supposed to be p_____to the old people We are what we're supposed to be请帮我翻译下 翻译Are we now supposed to be impressed 发布时间英文怎么拼 姓氏“王”在英语中除了可以用“wang”表示,还可以用什么? wang开一面的wang 是那个字? 完成句子 1 王老师已经一周没有上班了 Miss Wang _ _ _ from work for a week 2 我们早饭吃麦片粥.我也是 We had cereal for breakfast.So _ I 我叫 WANG YU.求一个以Y开头的英文女名.我是处女座的哦 improve的用法 侦探事务所笼城事件(勃发) 求几首歌曲 类似于we are electric 这样的给的好 ftisland 翻唱的 time is running out What friends are for way back into love要MP3格式的哦 最好的话还有其他的翻唱 演唱会上的翻唱就不用了 有的~ 人们常用‘对牛弹琴’来比喻什么 reply 的用法?教科书上只有reply to sth.那么sb呢?是to sb还是直接加?顺带介绍点reply的用法吧.