
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 00:27:03
把一个正方体木块的表面图上红色,然后把它切成27个小正方体.三面是红色的有【】个,两面是红色的有【】个 问一道GMAT数学题!Jerome wrote each of the integers 1 through 20,inclusive,on a separate index card.He placed the cards in a box,then drew cards one at a time randomly from the box,without returning the cards he had already drawn to the box.In o 高分求一道GMAT数学题.The rate of a chemical is directly proportionate to the square of A and inversely to B,if B increase 100%,what is the change of percentage of 形容放松一下的成语形容今天天气很好,【去放松一下吧】的成语请形容【】内的句子. 形容坚持到底,一点不放松的成语 放松相近的四字成语十万火急!今晚过过我就删除问题了放松意思相近的四字成语 下图是由27个小正方体拼成的一个大正方体,把它的表面全部涂成红色,没有涂到颜色的小正方体有()块,一面涂色的小正方体有()块,两面涂色的有()块,三面涂色的有()块 右下图是27个小正方体拼成一个大正方体,把它的表面全部涂成绿色,请你想想:(1)没有涂到颜色的小正方体有多少块 已知(an)是递减等比数列,a2=2,a1+a3=5,则a1a2+a2a3+...+an(an+1)(n∈N*)的取值范围.A[12,16)B[8,16)C[8,32/3)D[16/3,32/3) 爷爷今年70岁,三个孙子今年分别是20岁、15岁、5岁.几年后,三个孙子的年龄和可与爷爷相等? 问首岑参的诗“异香升腾,秀色媚景.耻与众草之为伍,何亭亭而独芳?何不为人之所尝兮,深山穹谷秀严霜.”出自何诗?此句何意? GMAT数学题求教Q19:A total of $60,000 was invested for one year.But of this amount earned simple annual interest at the rate of x percent per year,and the rest earned simple annual interest at the rate of y percent per year.If the total interest GMAT数学题,求救a certain culture of bacteria quadrupled every hour.if a container with these bacteria was half full at 10:00am,at what time was it one-eight full?但是答案上写是凌晨2点啊~为什么呢? 岑参最有代表性的两首诗 In Town X,64 percent of the population are employed,and 48 percent of the population are employed males.What percent of the employed people in Town X are females?A.16%B.25%C.32%D.40%E.52%我想的是受雇男性是占到受雇总人数的的48%,那 求教一道GMAT数学题Joanna bought only $0.15 stamps and $0.29 stamps.How many $0.15 stamps did she buy?(1)\x05 She bought $4.40 worth of stamps.(2)\x05 She bought an equal number of $0.15 stamps and $0.29 stamps.\x05A.Statement (1) ALONE is suff 修一条20千米的路,若每天修他的七分之一,要几天修完 Running at their respective constant rates,machine X takes 2 days longer to produce w widgets than machine Y.At these rates,if the two machines together produce 5/4 w widgets in 3 days,how many days would it take machine X alone to produce 2w widgets 形容浑身不舒服,有什么成语么? 有关形容舒服的成语 急用已知抛物线y=x^2+2mx-7与x轴的两个交点关于点(1,0)中心对称,则关于x的方程1/4x^2+(m-1)x-5m=0的根的情况是:A:有两个相等实数根B:有两个不相等实数根C:无实数根D:无法判断要有证明过程, 在照片上小高的身高是5厘米,实际上小高的身高是1.80米.这张照片的比例尺是_______ 求助一道GMAT数学题xyz三个点不在一条直线上,问yz>15?a.xy=40 b.xz=60 岑参的诗句!当银装素裹的雪景时,你会吟诵岑参的诗句:( ) we can go to the park if it doesn't rain!为什么不能用it will rain?而 she can decide if we'll take a field trip!为什么可以用will!是因为if 的意思不同吗?还想请教各位读英语有什么窍门?我的听力不是很好!而且记 Cindy,do you have ____e-mail address?i want to send you some photos.这里填的是an,我想问一下为什么不可以填选the? 在照片上姚明的身高是5cm,实际身高是2.29m.这张照片的比例尺是( ) 小华身高1.6m,在照片上他的身高是5cm.这张照片的比例尺是( ). 求证函数y=x+1/x图像上的各点的斜率都小于1 GMAT A total of 30 percent of the geese included in a certain migration study were male.If some of the geese migrated during the study and 20 percent of the migrating geese were male,what was the ratio of the migration rate for the male geese to the 求一道GMAT数学题.At a certain bookstore,the regular price of each book is 20 percent less than its list price.If during a sale the price of each book at the store was 15 percent less than its regular price,then the price of a book during the sa 岑参的诗