
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:01:50
达芬奇密码电影高清版谁有! 8000词汇量,口语高级,考雅思能得多少分? ? 中国国家形象片》中究竟都有谁?完整人物介 英语短文改错.注意:文中有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除、或修改Nowadays paper still come from trees .Unfortunate,we use a lot of paper every day.We must not waste paper,and there will 英语句子改错10处(可以删去多余单词,可在一单词前再加一单词或用其他单词替代它),急求答案,范文如下The English Corner in Zhongshan Park is a place in where people go to practise their spoken English there.Every 想扩充词汇量,词汇书或词典求推荐,8000到1万左右.不为考试,就单纯想提升词汇量.不要GRE这种有点偏的 be of great importance怎么用,适用对象有什么要求,最好弄几个例句指物时用什么介词,指人时用什么介词 be of great importance 为什么不能用with I Loved Yesterday 中 love 这个词应该是及物还是不及物的love 这个词应该是及物动词还是不及物的动词 雅思8000词汇中有多少是要会默的?以前上学的时候背单词有一些词只需要会读会认,背雅思单词,看到能知道意思,但有很多默不出来,雅思8000词汇里有多少是要会默的呢 填介词使句子具体______ school the boys like running and jumping in the playground. 填介词完成句子Your balls are under the tree ,but we cant find【 】Tony and Simon live in China 【 】Chinese are very good .Look Those Chinese books over there are【 】 寻一篇80字左右的英文寒假见闻不用写旅游什么的.就普普通通上街看到一些事物也行.英文的, 在下列句中填合适的介词we should , ( ) brief ,invest heavily in digital systems the emphasis will be ( )real siuations,real problems.Plummer said she plans to continue her concentration ( )the3,000 meter race 在下列句子中填写介词!1 is this the land for the new house to be ruilt ___2 i am very worried ___his health3 the air pollution mostly comes ___human beings4 what suggestions do you have ___ the coming sports meet?5 his father often writes ar 写出动词过去式? 写出动词的过去式 写动词过去式, 1.写出所给动词的过去式 中国的太阳是才从东边升起的,那么美国呢?大家都知道,太阳是从东边升起的.可是美国在地球上与我们相反,那么在美国太阳是从那一边升起呢? Who is he waiting for two hours.改错2、My brother is waiting for the bus stop at 9.00 a.m改错3、The w_____ in the supermarket are very f______ 请详细阐述美国FBI,CIA与中国明朝东厂,西厂的区别.最好再加上以前美国指责的秘密警察 从中国到美国的飞机是走东边还是西边? It was in America,therefore,that the great advances in nineteenth century agriculturalmachinery first came.that 后面的语序是不是有问题?应该是the great advances in agricultural machinery in the nineteenth century吧? everyone in communities that (depends/depend) on the great American industry中的括号哪个才是对的呢? 10月13日奥巴马电视讲话时说到这句,用depend,我感到疑惑. television is one of the great advances in methods of communication that___ made in the 19th centuryA was B were 请问1 that 这里指什么2 如果按照句意,感觉说的应该是television was made in the 19th century.这句话如何分析用复 1.is if in tell for Harry hurry ro me he wait not a 连词成句,怎么连怎么连2.see me when my you brother you remind I of 3.obey every orders solider should 求求求快点,急 standing ,he,counter,her,near,is,waiting,the,so,and,for 连词成句 就大师解下列计算题啊. 求个大师解下列计算题丫! 关于water的文章请以water的由来写一文章.提示词:cloud(jiangxi)---stream---Yangtze River---reservior---Huangpu River---water treatment works---our house---a sewage plant---river---sea---cloud(jiangxi)---stream---Yangtze River---reserv 关于water的小短文200字左右