
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:50:34
谁能告诉我有一首英文歌 歌词有NO NO NO是什么歌是一首很抒情的很伤感 很经典的慢歌 好像是玛利亚凯利 还是惠特尼 唱的找到了是 I Still Believe我依然相信 一首英文歌.里面有 爱NO往NO .是什么歌就是一首外国歌.前面是一段音乐 后面才开始唱 好像是这么唱的 I度YOU什么桑 INO 往NO the people are waiting for the doctor -------(come ,coming,to come,is come)i don't know how i can reach the train station .(改为简单句)i don't know ---- ----- -----the train station .别吃得太多,don't eat ----- ----. this is the doctor's waiting room.lt's full of people.they are w____to see the doctor the earthquake is reported to have ______ more than 4000 people homeless.A.remained B.forced C.brought D.left为什么选? 一首英文歌 找了很久很久 女声的英文歌 第一句好像是no more goodbye.中间有一段I just I wanna be there wherever you are to be together,no matter where you are.这个歌 我是在heyJJ里面听到过的..Song:Wea you are Sing 短文改错When sun shines on the earth,it make1——the earth to hot .Then the earth makes the air2——hot.When the aie becomes hot,it too becomes3———light.The light air goes down.The cool air comes4——in to take a place of the hot air. the school is 4 kilometres away from my home.对4 kilometres away 进行提问 Over one thonsand of people ___ ___ ___{死亡} in the earthquake. over a thousand people died in the earthquake _ _a thousand people died in the earthquake A:the earthquake has killed over two thousand people in yushu B:( )选项:A,okB,certainlyC,i agreeD,that`s the case We have a football game each year.对a football game提问转换后是___ ___ ___you___each year? Thay have a football game in September哪里错了They have a football game in September 15th We have a football game _____ October. there ____a football game this afternoon. a;will have be b:is going to have c:will have d:is goingto be It is about only one kilometres away from my schoolabout only one kilometres away from my school对这个提问 石油输出国组织的英文是什么? listen .Some girls _(sing)in the classroom怎么填 用所给的动词的正确形式填空:2.Listen .Some girls _______________ ( sing)in the classroom . 2.Listen .Some girls _______________ ( sing)in the classroom .用所给动词的正确形式填空 how brightly the sun shines 用what 改写 Listen.some giels (sing)in the classroom.用所给动词的正确形式填空 "The sun shines brightly"改为感叹句,一共五个单词 Listen!Who____(sing)in the classroom? The sun shines brightly ,and the leaves are s_____. 英语说去他妈的我怎么说 他妈的 英语咋说 ”谁他妈的不是呢“这句话啊用英语怎么讲我要在课堂上整一个英文对话,求教 He always goes to work by bus last year.Does your brother often go to schooi on foot last weekendHe always goes to work by bus last year.Does your brother often go to schooi on foot last weekend?以上句子各有一处错误,请改正 他妈的真烦 英文怎么讲fucking trouble ____the news that more than 50000 people were killed in the earthquake,my heart was broken.hearing upon hearing when i heard having been told选什么?为什么? in some we lesson Music songs the抱歉,漏了个词learn,现在可以了吗?