
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:45:57
如图所示,地球赤道上的山丘e,近地资源卫星p和同步通信卫星q均在赤道平面上绕地心做匀速圆周运动.设e、p、q做圆周运动的速率分别为v1、v2、v3,向心加速度大小分别为a1、a2、a3,则( ) A.v1 Some people enjoy reading detective stories,but ____ prefer reading comic books.A.another B.the other C.others D.the others选哪个,能具体说说吗. he likes reading stories(改为否定句) his father likes reading stories.对reading sthis father likes reading stories.对reading stories提问 He likes reading books.对reading books如何划线提问 这个英文课文怎么写?经历了小学6年的学习生活,你升入了初中,刚踏入中学校门的你对新学校新老师新同学一种有一种新奇感吧 假如你是Kangkang ,你要向大家介绍自己,请以此为话题写一篇短文 can someone help me write a poem start with " In highschool,I dream I will become."this is very urgent.can someone please help.thank you so much . can someone help me with my poem?this is again a poem of mine written in my creative writing class.and once again i gotta mentioned that i am not good at English,and don't even know how to write a poem,but not articles.this poem is about my Dad's dea can someone help me correct my poem?/this is a poem written by me recently,but i am not sure whether it's good or not,here is startsfalling leavesfallen hopesbroken twigsbroken heartsstumbling through in the darkI hopedthat we would never parthad to 怎样快速、容易地背英语课文 如何描述传粉和受精的过程,阐明花与果实和种子的关系. 无花果 是如何传粉受精的,因为没有花,就可能没有传粉的昆虫了啊? This is the book he give to me.这句话有错吗 i run every day是什么意思 写一写家附近商店怎么去的一个小作文.(英语) 求一篇写家的英语作文 on board date和 date of shipment各是什么意思? issue date ,on board date 还有,bill有几种种类? on a date是泡妞的意思吗 花的传粉某同学在学完花的结构后,知道花的形态结构与其传粉方式相适应,他发现连翘花的花冠呈金黄色,并发出一股淡雅清香,大部分花的雄蕊比雌蕊长.请根据连翘花的特点推测其传粉方式, on 花是靠什么来传粉的,怎样传粉的 我们周围的所生长的花的种类,这些花主要可能依赖什么方式传粉? find it adj for sb to do 还有.比如give book to me 为什么give不用ing形式,动ive book to me 为什么give不用ing形式,动词开头不是应该用动名词形式或前面加to的形式吗? I am a lover,not a fighter.but I'll fight for what I love.怎么翻译可以平和一点呢 give me a book 和 give a book to me 有什么区别,这样倒过来有什么用? 英语翻译原创的、自己的翻译… she offered to give me a book .对give me a book提问 几道句型转换题,(1)She offered to give me a book.(对give me a book提问)(2)Don't forget to bring your homework.(改为同义句)(3)Mother agrees to buy a new T-shirt for him.(对to buy a new T-shirt for him提问) .南瓜的花的传粉方式是属于异花传粉还是自花传粉? 南瓜花授粉西瓜有同事跟我说,用雄性的南瓜花给西瓜授粉,长出来的西瓜很大,特甜!想知道是否属实? 一株南瓜花,通常是传粉后摘取.将一部分花摘掉后,不影响结果.这株南瓜花没有什么结构