
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:04:45
英语翻译君子曰:学不可以已.青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水.木直中绳.輮以为轮,其曲中规.虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也.故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则 英语题目5555551. During his travel around Italy,Goethe(歌德) once came into an inn and ordered a bottle of wine.Before drinking the wine,he tried a little bit and then mixed it with water.At another table sat some students.They were also drin 这些题,谁会呀! 谁会这些题目? (a+b)^2-(a-b)-4ab(2a+b)^2-4a(a+b)答案是b^2,还有分析 圆柱体的表面积和长方体,正方体表面积的相同点和不同点好的话加钱 英语填空题谢谢 20道 这些题我不会,请各位帮帮我吧 √(90+4√5)+√(90—4√5)= 数学题(只要第四和第六题) (You must practice singing,o_you can not join th(You must practice singing,o_you can not join the music club)求答案,要原因,满足以上两点100%好评! be best at 还是 be the best at?哪个语法有问题?有没有the? you always the best.这句话是成立的吗?这是什么类型句式、谓语是? 初中英语语法题一道求解________snooker ,he hasn't many outside intersts.A.Bsides B.Except要求: 很多道初中英语语法题,用括号中动词的适当形式填空Where your watch (lose)?Three children (take) good care by the nurseSome children (take) good care by the nurse这两道题我觉得答案肯定不一样,不然出两道干吗… who will ___the singing contest?A.join B.take part in C.go into D.come intoDo you know the man sitting between__?A.you and me B.you and I C.i and you D.me and youWere you at home __?A.last evening B.the last evening C.the last night D.last nightIt of 什么初中英语语法全解最好?比如张道真的,星火的,但哪本最好? "Will you come and join us?""I'd be glad to." 'd 省略的是什么 怎么用? 麻烦大神 极限题一道求极限的题 很棘手的求极限问题幂指函数求极限.求导数容易,求极限貌似有点无从下手,而且还有趋于正0难道说也要代换成E的X^SINX次幂?但也顶多只能把幂化成sinxlnx,对解答貌似没有太大的帮助. 蒲公英作文400字 Were the audience allowed to join in the play?Yes, the actors_to satisfy the audience were successfulA who it was the duty B of which the duty was C whose duty ith was D whose was the duty 答案选C 完全没有头绪啊..指点一下吧~~~ 曲线的斜率怎么画?经过曲线上一点的切线不是有无数条吗?求解答 是关于蒲公英的故事.我记得谁跟我说过一个故事.蒲公英容易散开.蒲公英并不是不爱自己的孩子叻.而是因为.后面是什么.有全面一点的故事吗. 一块梯形菜地的上底是4.2米,高是4米,已知它的面积是16平方米,下底是多少米 关于蒲公英的故事 我和蒲公英的故事,写蒲公英的成长过程行吗 想象作文:蒲公英和小鸟的故事急 戴震难师的道理 六年级上册苏教版语文第四单元作文第三幅图 苏教版六年级语文第四单元的作文 一定要苏教版的 第一幅图