
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:05:31
冰箱里有些果汁和水果吗?___________________ juice or fruit in the fridge?我写了Are there any 但是错了.那应该是?大家回答时候拜托说上理由 随便来篇文章300字左右 从这一段可以看出里的托德是个怎么样的人 描写人物的作文(突出性格特点,像金钱的魔力中的托德和老板)只要少于550字 像《金钱的魔力》中托德差不多的人物有哪些 金钱的魔力中老板和托德的人物品质的句子和四字词语 设集合M={1,2,3,4},集合N{0,1,2},则从M到N的映射共有几个急用 已知集合M=(0,1,2,3) N=(-1,1,2,4) 求M∩N -1/2+2b² 分解因式 分解因式a²-b²-2b-1 分解因式:(a-1)²-(2b-1)² 初中英语, 求个解实意动词后面一般都跟adv修饰,但如果这个实意动词在句子中可以用be动词替换,那它后面是不是就跟adj ?weighs as heavy asweighs as heavily as这两个哪个对呢. 也可以用much 替换吧? 1.tourist have been coming from all parts of the country to see it2.the tourist have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree trunk.这两句采自新概念二第58课.我想问的是第一句的coming为什么是动名词第二句的p 已知集合M=(0,1,2},N={1,2,3},Q={3,4,5},则(M∪N)∩Q= 如果a是100的算术平方根,b是125的立方根求a的平方加4b加1的平方根是多少拜托各位了 3Q 初中英语.简单句子求解!谢谢!(1)at times 的意思,可以用在句首吗?(2)When I finish it,I feel tired.这句话有语法上的错误吗?(3)such as.and so on 中间部分只写一个短语可以吗?是不是必须写多于两个才对?(4 初中英语-完成句子? 几道初中英语完成句子1.佛山已经成为广东省的第三大城市.Foshan has become ___________of Guangdong Provice.2.轮到他扫课室了__________sweep the classroom.3.她游泳不如我好.She______________me. 改写句子 完成句子一.改写句子1.Paul stayed for the math test at home the whole day.(改写为否定句)Paulu____ ____ for the math test at home the whole day.2.We have to wear sports shoes in PE classes.(改写为一般疑问句)____ we _ 完成句子 IX.完成句子 根据汉语句意完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词.81.今年暑假去看世博会好吗?___________ ___________ going to Shanghai World’s Fair this summer vacation?8.2到了过低碳生活的时候了.It i 设全集I={0,1,2,3},集合M={0,1,2},N={0,2,3},则集合MUC1U=?A.空集 B.{1} C.{0,1,2} D.{2,3} 用总需求-总供给模型说明,在开放经济中,总需求的变动对宏观经济有什么影响? 22222222+22222222等于多少? 从1加到100等于多少?又简便方法吗? 1+1为什么等于22222222 54X99等于多少?要用简便方法 John took control as monitor of our class=John was made monitor and ____ ____ of our class 初中英语改句子This is the room.Lei Fang once lived in the room.This is the room___ ____Lei Fang once lived. 改初中英语句子why is the car late ; would you tell 用WH疑问词引导宾从句DId you enjoy yourself at the party Can you tell me 含宾语从句的复合句 初中英语改同意句1.I hate being interrupted while I am speaking.2.We could read yjis sentence well.3.They may come here by plane.改may4.I can speak English well.改can 满足条件M∪{1}={1,2,3}的集合M的个数是几个 按要求改句子.25What else can you see at the aquarium?同义句What___ ___can you see at the aquarium?最好有解释说明为什么这么改