
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:37:58
since加时间点,时间点的时态应该是什么 句子改错.下列每一个句子中均有一处错误,请指出并改正.1.My answer is different from you.2.How does she get to home from school?3.Play computer games is bad for our study.4.She usually goes to the supermarket by a bus.5.I want to 一天涨几次潮 我们是大海的宠儿.潮涨时,( );潮落时,低柔的海音 是童年梦寐里的歌谣.造句 世界上最多的狼的是什么狼? You must clean your room every day.(改同义句)谢谢了, 世界上现在还有多少狼呢.可不可以把还没有绝种的狼的名字给我. 根据首字母提示填空:You must clean your room at once.It`s too d 一些英语题,实在不会请求帮帮忙1.They are `````` the bus stop.A.on their way to B. in the way of C.on them ways by D.to their way for2.He lives three miles ``` the town.A.away B.from c.away from D.from away最好能解释一下,谢谢 She is hard work to catch up with the other students.改错 he is complaining ____ the hard work ____ his boss A\;to B about;to Cto;abot D about;with 1.it's +时间+since或itwas +时间+had done 这两个句型适用那条规则吗,即持续性动词表结束,需要反译.2.It is 5 years since I have lived here.(live为延续性v.故直译为自从我住在这儿已经5年了.这个句子不对 英语翻译这几句★★★★★★★★★★★★无视机译A企业的成功原因:以成功的Unique Selling point,加深产品的image,极大化了brand效果.以精确的repositioning有效地选定了&目标顾客群. 根据不同地 They _____(work) hard every day They work hard every day for us.改为否定句,及一般疑问句 疯狂猜图谁知道求解 give a ride ___ sb想知道这里介词用什么.for还是其他的……在线等, 疯狂猜图,谁知道,求解啊 how was the weather like yesterday? --——it _________(下雪)急啊!快的加分 they work hard [ ] the students. a.for b.with c.about 选哪一个 请讲原因 give sb a lift give sb a lift的问题 看到一个句子 a young man asked me for a lift然后下面就问 whom did the writer give a life to in (地址)然后几经查询后我的回答是 the writer give a young man a lift因为我看见 give sb a lift是固 rain和rainyThere is usually____in summer in Yangzhou.A.rain B.rainy C.raining.D.rains 英语翻译 德语说明书 翻译 看到高薪了吗 赶紧来吧 英语翻译knoblauchol-kapselnwirkstoff:knoblauchzwiebel-Auszugzusammensetzung:eine magensaftresistente weichkapselenthalt:Auszug aus knoblauchzwiebel(0,7-1:1)500,00mg Auzugsmittel RubolSonstige Bestandteile:Galatine 127,7mg,Glycerol50,7mg,g 英语翻译表盘指针:Minutenchronometer / Stundenchronometer /Sskundenchronometer/ Stundenziger/Minutenzeiger/Zweiter Zeiger Krone /Drucker 1 /Drucker 2说明正文:Verstellen der Krone:(0)-Grundstellung(1)-kalendereinstellung(2)-Zeiteinstell 英语翻译Nehmen Sie die Tabletten bitte mit reichlich Flüssigkeit(z.B.einem Glas Wasser) ein. 谁能翻译一下这两段英语 你知道在那里开会么?这句用英文来说怎么说?Do you know where ---- ---- the meeting?横线上填什么啊? 猫的英语,怎么说, 英语翻译致:张东东祝你新年快乐、身体健康、万事如意,希望你的哮喘能尽快好起来.