
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:39:42
lmagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing Write a travel diary.假如你是一名在北京度假的美国学生,写一篇旅游日记 英语 请问5题和8题怎么做?用介词填空! 请问,5题为什么要这样填? What's his present____him?填什么介词 Can I help you,madam?I would like a kiCan I help you,madam?I would like a kilo of ______ A.meat B.cake C.banana D.apple 选什么?为什么? 他是英国人 英语怎么说 .用不用加 a 或是 an He is (an) EnglishHe is (a) British2.类似的 他是美国人 .前面要冠词么?如果后面是 English student。前面得有 你是英国人吗?是 Are you English?还是 You are English? 谁能告诉我道家老子在即将死的时候怎样的状况?说了什么? The stong woman have no power 我熟悉的一种动物 600字作文至少600字 我熟悉的动物作文200字 作文:那一只动物,让我懂得_____ He said he would no longer live here.改为同义句 HeHe said he would no longer live here.改为同义句 He said he ( )live here( )( ) She said she would live in London for_four or fiveyears.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others为什么选B, She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years.A.another C.otherB.others D.the others为什么选择A go on a field trip 的否定句we play games on the playground on the playground 就划线部分提问I like them very muchvery much 就划线部分提问they buy some books一般疑问句 1、each of them ( )tired.A:have B:has C:is D:are2、how did your uncle learn to play the guitar?A:myself B:yourself C:herself D:himself3、用适当的介词填空Can i have a look ()your book?we have sweaters () all colors.4、my aunt is a ().she w 用among 造句 最高级 Let's go on a field trip.(作肯定回答) 怎么回答? Let us go ------ field trip .这句话中应填on 还是 to? How old are your twin brother? Mom,asked me to lend my MP4 to my cousin buy I didn't want to do so的翻译 VANCL中每个字母代表什么意思? “遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺.作者是谁?后句又是什么?我会给他加分的! 遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺.意思短的 遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一清螺.什么意思?我要全世界最好的急 ! 遥望洞庭山水翠 白银盘里一青螺有了什么的修辞手法 请问,水立方、五棵松等奥运体育场所用英语怎么说, Career 怎么翻译 as 引导的让步状语 如何倒装young as he is ,he he has obtained much experience.try as you will,you won’t be able to persuade him.这些样式的都知道如何变.但是如果是直接动词的呢?如何变化.比如 尽管I love you,I can 美谊康翻译成英文 ,例如凡客诚品 VANCL 美的 midea 谢谢 美谊康的含义为美丽 健康 友谊 young as he is not// not young as he is as的让步状语倒装,那个正确 遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺这句话的意思