
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:01:48
城市繁华的背后用英语怎么说? 英语便条怎么写?你是吉姆(Jim),去给汤姆(Tom)送两张云岭电影院放映的《飘》(Gone With the Wind)的电影票.他不在家,给他写一张留言条说明他可带女友去看.时间时2005年3月24日. 怎样写英语便条 there is no need doing和there is no need to do怎么用? 怎样写英语便条,我要写的是以下的内容,要用英语的,谁可以帮我呀?给李凯留言;我这几天正在翻译一篇文章,想向你借本词典查阅几天,我一定会爱护词典,决不损坏.张明 not only does but alsoNot only DOES he like tennis,but also he likes football.为什么要用DOES,而不是Not only he likes tennis.如果说DOES是强调.那么我下面的一句也是正确的? Not only( )she( ) English ,But also he likes EnglishA does ,like B does likes C do like D do likes Not only does he reading stories ,but also he can(接上句) even write some .哪里看出这句是倒装啊! 大家帮忙来看看这个句子 Not only does my brother like reading but also he likes playing sportsNot only does my brother like reading but also he likes playing sports 这个句子有毛病吗? Not only does的这个does 为什么放在这 29.Not only _______ a promise,but also he kept it.A.has he made B.does he make C.he made D.di29.Not only _______ a promise,but also he kept it.A.has he made B.does he make C.he made D.did he make30.Not until his comrades criticized him _____to admit 英文翻译--猴子很聪明,做事像人 英语翻译请翻译:I remain just one thing,and one thing only - and that is a clown.It places me on a far higher plane than any politician. 英语翻译准备 便条怎么写 (不要英文) There is a Great Green Wall _____ the northen part of China.There is a Great Green Wall _____ the northern part of China.那个、原来问题发错了’现在来修改一下】应该不算太晚吧。 辛亥革命历史意义为什么:打击了帝国主义侵略势力,使其难以建立稳定的统治.这一项不对? 孙中三领导的辛亥革命在政治、经济、思想文化方面“推动中国发生历史性巨变”的表现 where is the great wall? There's a clock ()the wall括号里应该填什么英语单词 1.on 2.at 3.in 我的名字叫彭恩瑶..希望大家帮偶想一个好听的英文名!. But t____ to the Great Green Wall ,the land produces more crops .Thanks _____ the Green Wall,the land produces more crops.啥意思 Thanks_____the great green wall,the land priduces more crops.为什么填to为什么不是thanks for -------the Great Green Wall,the lad produces more crops.A.Thank for B.Thanks to C.Thank to 用适当的介词填空 The guitar is ( )the wall. The picture is the wall.问号填什么介词? 辛亥革命在政治上的积极影响辛亥革命的积极影响,尤其是政治方面的 辛亥革命的政治意义 abcabc能被7整除吗?为什么? 按照abcabc排列数都能被7整除?例如123123或者222222.为什么啊…按计算器发现的1001就相当于001001而已,也是按照abcabc排列的。我觉得你说的不对 _____you help me carry the box?A.mustB.mayC.wouldD.should Let me help you to carry the box. I can do it by _______ 填什么?