
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:51:49
mum,i am happy at school.-----------.a i am glad to hear that.b yes ,i am cA I am glad to hear that.B yes ,i am C Sure D Right You don't know how happy I am to be here.to be可以省略吗?为什么?若不可以,它有什么作用? I don't know how to describe how happy I am now!这句话对吗?符合语法标准吗 primary是什么意思? primary什么意思 Primary的意思 Alumni Primary是什么意思!如题! The rain (come)from the( ) Shelter From The Rain 歌词 拼音首字母翻译成中文NSSNDZRNNWHYYFYBR good at begood to be good for be good with 区别,越清楚越好,区别、 用法, 如何区分be good at / be good with primary是什么意思即快又对的采纳 primary是什么意思啊\急\在写作业\ I am afraid that there 's no __ for you in my car .A.land B.ground C.room D.floor I am afraid that there's no ___for you two in my car.A,room B.place C.seat D.extra 为什么要选A呢?为什么不能用B.或者C呢.也很通顺啊、 1.My hair is longer than Claire's.改为同义句. Claire ___ ___ hair than me. 吉姆和玛丽都来自美国.1.My hair is longer than Claire's.改为同义句.Claire ___ ___ hair than me.吉姆和玛丽都来自美国.___ Jim___ Mary come from the is done和is being done 有什么区别,不都是被动吗 am+ being +done 造个被动语态的句子.谢谢. 拿破仑为什么会失败?拿破仑为什么会失败,请谈下你自己的看法 Alice likes children's Day.(改为一般疑问句) 1.orang makes me happy(变为一般疑问句) 2.he was an inventor(变为否定句)3.qi baishi died in 1975(变为一般疑问句) 4.i was late for school because i got up late(对划线部分提问)划线部分是because之后 连词成句 1 he makes me happy 和he makes me feel happy 大家帮我分析分析成分吧.he makes me happy 这里的happy是当宾语补足语使用,而 he makes me feel happy 这句话中 he是主语 makes是谓语 me 是宾语,feel是一个动词它在句中 He makes me happy,Happy是做宾补么? 关于节约的标语哪方面的都可以 The boy can make a moder plane,but the girl cant.She can make a puppet.的中文意思 in,surprised,am,i,can,play,heat,this,they.连成句子 I am surprised they can play in this heat.为什么是surprised 不是surprising吗?不是现在进行时吗? The sun rises early and sers late.改为否定句 He made faces to make us .A.to laugh B.laugh C.laughing D.laughedHe made faces to make us .A.to laugh B.laugh C.laughing D.laughed We all made a big laugh over his joke.急用! make us laugh还是laughing快