
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:11:03
“好期待”可以翻译成“good looking”吗? IT’S HARD TO COMPAIR WITH YOU!YOU ARE SO GREAT! 语言能力好.想象力丰富.最适合做什么工作呢. Looking for good company.. 怎么翻译? there is an apple in the tree . What is with you?怎么翻译?删了什么成分? what is it with you what is it with you "tu sei sciocco"是什么意思? ill和bad的区别是什么? l was ___ ill yesterday.(bad)这bad改成什么 bad/ill的比较级和最高级 bad和ill的区别是什么? Man believe in me you are the best Are you feeling_____today?A.nice B.good C.best D.better并说明知识点Amy always finishes her homework on time.She____leaves it tomorrow.A.aiways B.sometimes C.never D.usually并说明知识点 spcc什么结构硬度多少?是不是和不锈钢差不多? 通常用的什么材质类似于SPCC? Solo tu puoi farmi felice 不知道是什么语言... She was as good as her word.怎么翻译? He is a man _____ word is as good as his action 有没有像"The dawn""Solo tu"一样的音乐!要脱俗! 非洲原始部落女人她们的生活,习俗,审美我注重的是审美,比如说盘唇,耳朵呀……详细点 作文为成长的素材有哪些不要数量只要质量 求曹植的洛神赋原文 曹植为什么要写《洛神赋》? where can you have fun中文意思和who can you call for more information中文意思 补完句子It's too silly of you to_____ ______such questions.(你老是问这样的问题太傻了)补完句子It's too silly of you to_____ ______such questions.(你老是问这样的问题太傻了) It is careless of you make such a mistake,为什么用to,那意思是什么 How silly a mistake I had made! How silly the mistake I had made is!这两句都可以吗?意思一样吗?How silly a mistake I had made!How silly the mistake I had made is! ____silly mistake I had made 填what 还是how 为什么 冷扎板spcc与20#钢有什么区别? 宝山钢铁和宝钢钢铁 是同一个公司吗? cafe arabica coffee是那种咖啡,怎么喝前几天收了两个罐子,跟装茶叶的有点像,仔细一看是咖啡,还没一句中文,找了半天估计就是cafe arabica coffee了.具体是这样的:如下CAFE FIESTASCOSTA RICA100%CAFE ARABICA 咖啡coffee告诉我点咖啡要著名哦,最好用中文表达!