
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:48:42
英语翻译一定要准确啊 英语翻译. 我就读于第一中学怎样翻译 英语翻译This Sale and Purchase Contract is subject to acceptance by the Seller of the Buyer's Instrument of Guarantee or Payment InstrumentThe B/L marked "Freight Prepaid" issued or endorsed by Seller to Buyer or per Buyer's order, 英语翻译你们国家清关(custom clearance)必须得用这个证书吗?因为现在做这个证书的话会相当困难毕竟船(vessel)都离开港口很长时间了 英语翻译比如:索尼显示器、苹果手机、美龄宝排便清肠器.哪位高手能准确翻译“美龄宝排便清肠器”吗? 求一些简单的英语前缀和后缀 台式的水银血压计怎么用?有谁知道告诉一声. 台式水银血压计怎么用 跨南北半球的大陆是? 地球表面的陆地面积于海洋面积之比是29:71,其中陆地的4分之3在北半球,南北半球海洋面积之比是多少 从南北半球来看,世界陆地主要聚集在哪个半球 求高人指点如何将word中按照a,b,c.分类排列的单词英语单词调整成为乱序版的? 英语翻译I will leave our business arrangement for the moment. 有一段1分钟自我介绍 演讲用的英文 有没有什么错误Hello,it's a pleasure to meet you all.My name is xxx.I am 16 years old and I am from xx school.English interested me very much so i stand here to show myself to you.I enjoy sports a 一句外贸英语翻译This swift message is verifiable on normal bank to bank basis with full banking responsibility, upon receipt of clearance from our client. 一句外贸英语翻译,谢谢!INSURANCE POLICY IN ONE ORIGINAL MADE OUT TO THE ORDER OF L&R., FOR FULL INVOICE AMOUNT PLUS 10 PERCENT OVERING THE RISKS STATED IN INSTITUTE CARGO CLAUSES (A), AGAINST ALL RISKS: RIOTS, STRIKES, CIVIL COMMOTIONS CLAUS 英语翻译The more expensive ones we order mixed containers some time 5 models in one container – approx 1,000 of each per order.其中那个some time mixde container又是什么意思 初中一分钟自我介绍我是个胆小的人,喜欢数学的人有没有适合我的自我介绍适合男生的,我急用 求初中自我介绍 不要太长! 英语翻译我没多少分 献点爱心吧不 是40分啊 一分钟自我介绍!急^^初中版 建议别人如何学英语的英语作文用上提建议的方式 比如 How about doing,It's good idea to.等等 反正是提建议的方式一定要用上,200个单次左右 不是我写 是老师让找 我没找到 要背过的 我先谢谢你们 英语翻译1.The price reductions apply to other markets in Europe,so we expect demand to increase.2.To avoid delay in dispatch perhaps you would like to order as soon as possible.3.We are pleased to offer you a special discount of 3% on any order r 英语翻译your shipment of 1000c/s tinned goods ex s.s .(chuangchun)under contract no jb556 has arrived at our end safely and in good in good conditionend safely 请翻译外贸英语句子:However can you please give us instructions on shipping,shall we book a 20 container for you for the 5 palettes anyway,or do you want us to send in a less than a full container. 求这4道英语单项选择题 The two ____of stamps are of great value .A.series B.serieses能详细介绍下series的用法知识吗 英语音标发音表是什么? 求以下单项英语选择题的答案Ⅰ. 单项选择 (15%)1. The rain will ____A____ our plan for a picnic.A. affect B. influence C. effect D. infect2. ________ other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is ________ student.A. Compared w 1.Hongkong is not at all______a traveler who has never visited before can expect.A.what B.that C.which D.where你们让我怎么选呀?我知道我语法不好,我正在系统地学,所以才来请教的570915856 - 试用期 一级 ,你说的不算 4道英语单项选择题1.He ( )a letter to his parents every two weeks.为什么是was writing而不是writes,后面不是有every two weeks2.There is a dog ( ) outside the door.为什么lied而不是lying3.That train is carrying ( ) boxes of all.