
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:52:32
V.连一连 连词成句.1.from/up/shorter/taller/line/to ... Line up from shorter to taller 比较级 用原型行么在不改变原意的情况下 24小时之内回答哦 line up from shorter to taller意思,是从高到矮还是从矮到高,网上是从矮到高,感觉不对... ____I visit lucy on sunday,Mum?YES,you____ A.Must; can B.May; may C.Need ; need D.May ; need常把这几个搞晕了! ------____ I visit Lucy on Sunday,mum?------Yes,you___.A.Need;need B.May;can C.May;need D.Must;can _____ i visit lucy on sunday ,mom?yes,you ____a,may may b,must can c need need d.may need --___I visit Lucy on Sunday,Mum?--Yes,you___填什么?为什么? 语法:现在进行时表将来的要点是?.. 帮我把空的地方补上英语 Alice Yes ,mum?Let"s go and ( ) some fruit .OK can ()help () .帮我把空的地方补上英语 Alice!Yes ,mum?Let"s go and 1( ) some fruit .OK .Can 2()help 3() .4()like some apples ,please.5( )6 ( )kilos?Two 7( ),pl 初三英语语法要点 必考的那种不要题 也不要解读 只要名称= =不只是初三的 我是说初三要复习的语法要点 一般现在时do does的第三人称单数用法 Millie is our classmate.Sometimes ____ needs ____to help_____.怎么写 would you like a____ cup of coffee No,thanks. would you like ___cup of tea?----no,thanks 填什么,是什么原因?A.the other B.another C.others D.other would you like a cup of tea?可以yes,I would来回答吗?No,thank you.这是道选择题A.yes,I would B.No,thank you. There's no coffee.Would you like a cup of tea i_____? No,thanks would you like a cup of coffee? A.No,i don`t want. B.No, thank you C.I don`t like it D.Yes,i do 英语一般将来时的疑问句式如题 原句they will be arrive.疑问句when will they arrive?请问,这个be跑哪里去了 Can you use some idioms(成语)?Here are some of them.Have a try to choose one according to the giCan you use some idioms(成语)?Here are some of them.Have a try to choose one according to the given situation.A.break one's neck B.Get one's t Here are some w__to have a good talk with them.Be __.Your parents will trust you more .首字母填空 爱与诚粤语翻译成普通话 -would you like another cup of tea?-___.A.Yes,I-would you like another cup of tea?-___.A.Yes,I 'd like to B.Yes,thanks.选择哪一个并说说理由.着急 初中英语学的不好,高中英语该怎么学? 连词成句computer,the,help,summer,Camp,need,with her job is( to look after the children)求短语在句子中的成分. drop一般现在时动词第三人称单数形式 急 连词成句 1 look,job,is,to,after,his,children 2 is,for,it,use,important,to,every,English,day,students 3 told,Tom,you,a lot,me,about,has?4 interested,I,playing,football,am,in 5 I,when,I,look,up,don't,understand,is,a,in,word,the,dictionary要汉 My job is to help the patient.My job is looking after children.不定式做表语和动名词做表语的区别在哪 请问My job is only to look after the children.这个句子中的动词不定式作什么成份理解比较好?另外请问My only hope is to continue my study.这一句里动词不定式充当的成份也是和上述句子一样吗?还有You are The day______you are looking forward to will certainly come.填when 还是that.先行词为The day 时一般什么时候用when ,什么时候用that? The day I looked forward to ------(come).为什么用came,那什么时候用look forward to doing?有look forward to do 脍炙人口的意思和拼音是神马?