
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:18:51
怎样种好紫罗兰? 走遍美国和纵横美国哪个好?真正看过的回答还有就是买书好 还是买盘好我看那个没有啊55元一套书 里面没有盘 谁有'纵横美国'的文本呀?要全部的文本, I wouldn't like ____humbugers,I would like ___ dumplinge.横线上是添some 还是添any 七下英语 打出来 if rains it we go to the park tomorrow won't 组成一个问句if rains it we go to the park tomorrow won't 组成一个问句----------------------------------------------------? All you do is act a fool You ain't shit without your crew All you do is act of fool You ain’t shit Without your crew 这句话的意思是什么? He went on to win awards in competitions across the world. went across to the window and lookedout ( ) the night A on B at C into D for She finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window.请问这里面 ask to do的用法之前见到的都是ask sb.to do 的用法.这里的 ask to do 七下英语 打出来'题号... think后接表示否定意思的宾语从句时,通常在主句中使用否定形式,而汉语正好相反.能给我举个例子吗?不太明白 连接主句和宾语从句1.Do you exercise every day?He asks2.Where is the museum?Could you tell me3.Does he like French?I wonder4.What is wrong with him?Do you know5.What is the matter?He wondered6.Which is the way to the cinema?He asked 英语语法:宾语从句到底是主谓一致还是不受主句影响? ”高山流水遇知音”的下句是什么?出自哪首诗?这是哪位诗人的什么诗? 请各位帮我个忙鲁迅先生的一篇文章《中国人失掉自信力了吗》中“埋头苦干的人”“拼命硬干的人”“为民请命的人”和“舍身求法的人”,请举出符合这些要求的人,并举出其一个实力、 为什么现在中国和外国关系好像很好?看起来他们都好友善.这是为什么呢. "中华"."海内"."天子"."知己"指什么 根据所给提示,写出成语.钟子期、弹琴、知音、中国古曲___.《战国策》、喝酒、比赛、多此一举_根据所给提示,写出成语.钟子期、弹琴、知音、中国古曲___.《战国策》、喝酒、比赛、多此一 ? the English exam I would have gone to the concert last night. A.As for B.But for C.Because of D.Despite why not to go swimming with us tomorrow?对的吗 盘龙古城、知音琴台、黄鹤名楼、归元古刹,翻译. 知己而无礼的翻译. comment on what is a successful man?帮写个英文文章 Feel bored?What are you looking for?come and join us at 2010 english party 用“what if you were superman"作一篇英文作文50至100字,最好还有中文解释! 英语翻译Of course we can still be friends i'd love to have news from you much more often.How are you doing?Do you know what you will do after graduate?I hope i can go to japan during this summer,but im not sure of anything yet...I'll tell you if 我带小明到我家玩 见到我爸我就说他是我的爸爸 但我爸说我不是他的儿子 问为什么 ncre( National Computer Rank Examination)连读ncre( National Computer Rank Examination)能不能直接读缩写形式,怎么读? 请帮忙翻译national computer rank examination certificate grade 2(programming c) national in one school the pass rate for the national exams rose from 25% to 75% in just one year.