
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:15:27
Mr. Smith that building. His house is the fifth floor.A. in, on B. of, to C. on, in D. to, at 这道题为什么选择A 求详解 do you like watching films?我是大一新生 我们大学英语要口试 要求每个问题 怎么办啊 我英语不好 ____(Mr read) house is near the hill. 一物体做匀速直线运动,由公式v=s/t可知() A.v与s成正比 B.v与t成反比 C.s一物体做匀速直线运动,由公式v=s/t可知()A.v与s成正比 B.v与t成反比 C.s与t正比D以上说法都不对 in the game of loving 、 win or lost is the same 、 the facts prove that the world is economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all____be winners Aneed Bshall Ccan Dwould -Do you like apples?-( )A.Sorry,I donot knowB.Yes,pleaseC.Sure.I donotD.Yes,it is Do you workd like?要怎么回答 you can have your party at my house(对at my house提问)———— ———— you ———— your party? 一.连词成句 1.homework I doing my hate 2.my can I the party at have house3.taking my thanks of dog care for 4.bed forget to his don·t clean 5.in usually I it morning clean the school before二.单句改错1.the second problem is most difficult "不要让爱你的人失望"的英文怎么说? 我能送你回家么?口语上应该怎么说?(英语)就是说拍拖用的 just as 和just like的区别主要从意义上面去说 she sat very still.sat(sit)是动词,为什么可以跟形容词still? just as对还是just like对?为什么? include 和 contain 、just like 、such as的区别 急!急!急!ia he a doctor?is he a teacher?合并为选择疑问句怎么做? 求文档:茉莉花精彩描写段落 描写茉莉花的茎片段 帮帮忙 快 我着急不要诗词 大片段 硬了不射是不是很难受啊?跟男友做爱,我喊痛,就没再进一步下去.他硬了,让我用嘴帮他解决,我有点嫌恶心,没肯答应,后来看他实在难受,我提出用嘴帮他解决,结果他说不勉强我,等我下次愿意 形容白茉莉花初来时的那种清香的成语有哪些? 求帮我想些有茉莉两个字的成语,或者有关茉莉花的成语,5个字的也可以,最好5个字咯, 关于茉莉花的成语或名人名言 关于茉莉花的成语,10到60个 They are teacher,(改为一般疑问句) 请问这里用much还是many修饰的是什么呀i will help him as much as i can He s _____ some E-mails to his friends yesterday.March is the t_____ nonth of a year.The Greens m______ to China ,beacuse Mr.Green found a job in China.March 8th is W_______________ Day.The q_______ is too hard for us to answer.Beijing is the c_____ 修饰集合名词用much还是many He will ()some of his good friends to his party he can hardly hold her breath after running,___ she 巴塞罗那通用西班牙语还是加泰罗尼亚语?即指普通市民日常使用语言 西班牙语翻译“一起去巴塞罗那”