
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:12:40
Why not go skating tomorrow?Good idea.But _ it is fine.A if B whether C how D what请说出答案的原因 --My uncle suggest I( )abroad.--I would rather you ( )at homeA.go stayB.went stayedC.go stayedD.went stay My uncle suggested that I___a job in a bank.A.got B.would get C.should get D.must get 垄断资本主义是过渡的资本主义其根据是什么? 垄断资本主义是过渡的资本主义其依据是什么 shall we row a boat in the park this weekend?做出肯回答 垄断资本主义为什么是过度的资本主义 为什么自有资本主义会垄断资本主义过渡?我们中国未来有没有可能扮演垄断资本主义者? why not___this evening? Good idea. A.eat dinner B.eat out C.to eat D.to eat out why not ___this evening?eat dinner eat out to eat to eat out As is known,we know some basic knowledge concerning AIDS,we can protectourselves from being infected.A.as far as\x05\x05\x05\x05B.if only \x05\x05\x05\x05C.so long as\x05\x05\x05D.unless 我能试穿这件背心吗?用英语怎么说 Sochuan is one of the _____(attract)capitals in China with long historyMy hobby is collecting stamps .i need ______before i have 3,000 stampsAmore one Bany more Cone more Dmore than Lucy lives in New york. Kate speaks alittle french. 改为一般疑问句,否定句,特殊疑问句 .把下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答 1.He lives in to China 2..把下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答1.He lives in to China2.My pen pal likes singing.3.My teacher reads books everyday.4.Her fathe 一首古文,只知道内容,楚人有涉江者,其剑自舟坠于水,遽契其舟,曰:“是吾剑之所从坠.”舟止,从其所契者入水求之.舟已行矣,而剑不行,求剑若此,不亦惑乎?还有:舟已行矣,而剑不行,求剑若 我的四级阅读成绩总是提升不上去,做阅读总是错3,4个,请问怎样才能提高,有什么做题方式没?节省时间提具体 四级阅读做题技巧 2013四级阅读新题型 长篇阅读怎么答题?TAT求解……难道答案是这样写的么……打个比方 1.B  可以将答案定位在小标题“Moving to Survive”下第二段的前两句话,“Like the shark,most animals use movem 四级阅读技巧(尤其快速阅读)? Lucy需要3个网球拍,怎么变否定句、疑问句、回答? "My mom lives watching TV."把这句话改成一般疑问句怎么改 Play tricks 书上说我们宇宙的空间是无限大但是既然是无限大的空间为什么还要说我们的宇宙是在不断地往外扩展呢?这不是自相矛盾的吗? 宇宙并不是无限大的,看看我的经历就知道了.遇见一个号称空间使者的人他把我抓住带到一个没人的地方,说你很幸运,我要把宇宙的力量传给你,他说你想飞吗?想刀枪不入吗?想到宇宙外面看看 Simon reads___ among the boys.选项为most widely.我想问这里为什么most前面没有定冠词the? Magnolia are among the most ancient of all shrubs.这句话对嘛 还是把among改成in The most known person,the warmest partner..是什么意思啊?The most known person,the warmest partner..请英语高手翻译下~是不是 .最懂的人,最暖的伴.的意思?! How interesting the winter holiday i have有错吗?同上 Old people still want____beautiful! You don't want to be beautiful people. 谁能帮设计个英文名.我叫冼嘉文...