
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:41:53
李白的《梦游天姥吟留别》和《蜀道难》? 求李白长诗,像《蜀道难》那种,目前已有《梦游天姥吟留别》《梁甫吟》,求另外的长诗. 求一篇关于写高一军训发生的事情的作文啊..800字左右 不要抄袭的可以? 英语翻译The effects of increased ultraviolet radiation include an elevated risk of skin and eye cancer in humans and animals,and death or reduced rates of growth in plants and in organisms that live near the surface in water,such as the phytoplan 英语翻译he dam would periodically flood the temples of Philae,graceful buildings surviving from antiquity. 跟伤仲永一样的正面反面事例,多写几个,跟伤仲永一样的正面反面事例,多写几个, 选择下面的句子是比喻句的?A.月光照进窗子来,茅屋里的一切好像披上了银纱.B.他好像面对着大海,月光正从麻烦大家了,急 月光照进窗子,茅屋里的一切好像披上了银纱.缩写句子 求英语帝解答It's not t____ of Gill to be so critical.We haven't fixed a s_____ date for our meeting.Tom worked like a dog,and e_____ worked ou a plan accepta.The house has been in the famiky's p______ since the 1500s.I'm c____ my efforts on wri 不一样的暑假作文 是小升初!急死了!一楼的作文是回忆作文吧?不是小升初的暑假该想的耶~(特别后面的) 算了, 求英语帝解答.谢谢.Hidden users will never be shown to you 这个暑假不一样作文,求一片以这个暑假不一样为题目的作文 英语帝解答,急! 英语翻译If i got on my knees,would you leave me along这句话什么意思. 不一样的暑假 作文400以小见大 急--------------- 1 I ______ that I were a bird.A.wish B.hope C.want D.expect(正解A)2 If you go shopping tomorrow,______.A.so will I B.so do I C.so I will D.so I do(正解A)3 What_______ to the earth in the last ten years?A.was happened B.has happenedC.happe 英语翻译 in the meeting还是on the meeting 童趣 细察其纹理的其在文中指代的事物是什么 骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍.锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂.(都给注上拼音)我是粘贴上的! 与庐山云雾有关(表现事物不断发展)的成语四个。 英文名著里有类似鲁迅的朝花夕拾? 英语翻译She smiled at that,with a rueful curve of her lips,but her eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify. 人文社会科学对于社会发展有何作用 什么小说最好看 求翻译朝花夕拾,捡的是枯萎. 地球安全吗 地球安全嘛 英语翻译considering the importance of the customer and of the machine itself as well as the situation. &怎么读 详细一点 注个拼音最好能用QQ拼音打出来的! 青睐在<<莲>>这篇短文中是什么意思? 《梦游天姥吟留别》深层意蕴