
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 07:39:14
What do you think is the _____(creatice) of all the music video? discrimination against poor people in Chinapleese 英语翻译我问的是as....as怎么翻译,不是整句翻译, 英语翻译尽可能多是怎么翻译出来的? What do you think of the music 同意句_____ _______you ______ the music What do you think of pop music?这里what做什么成分?句子还原为陈述句是神马样滴昵? What do you think of the music ,Fred? It____wonderful.soundsseeslookslistens 请用英语写出5句交通规则.要求(1)语句通顺,无语法错误.(2)可适当发挥.参考词汇:obey ,break ,traffic rule,traffic light she doesn't have sisters.Her mother doesn't have sisters,too怎么改?前半句 为什么没有姐妹 说的是 doesn't have sisters sister后为什么有s? She doesn't have to-------many pages with her.应该填bring还是take当没有表明是带来 还是带走的时候,如何判断是用bring还是take? would very much like to contact with would very much like to contact with you I would very much like to be friends with you.very much为什么放在那个位置?为什么不放在like后面或者整个句子后面? We hope you’ll have a very happy year in our We hope we ______(have) a happy journey.为什么不能直接用have是不是有hope sb do sth would you like to come with us?sorry.i have much homework_______.a.do b.to do c.doing d.does We have fun s ? our holiday in Sichuan. We are so happy.” he (has on family)A.doesn`t have familyB doesn`t have a familyC hasn`t no family Good night see you tomorrow什么意思 Good.night.anybody.see.you.tomorrow Good.night.anybody.see.you.tomorrow Good night .tomorrow will be a good day. it's time to go to scholl .now she is p( ) her bagkuaikuaikuaiquickly dosen't have与hasn't区别?She dosen't have children.She hasn't children.这两句通用吗? stop( ).a.talk b.to talk c.talking 选什么?为什么/ it's time for class .let's (-----)and take out our books.A.stop to talk B.stop talkingC.to stop to talk D.to stop talking不是应该选A吗,停下手中的事,又去做另一件事吗 I hope we can spend our holiday _______(happy) there Stop ___,please.Let's go on with our lesson.A.talk B.to talk C.talking D.talked “动漫”德语怎么拼写?求助懂德语的朋友 撒谎却不受惩罚 英语翻译 孩子因为逃避惩罚而说谎,我该怎么办孩子三岁半了,最近发现她犯了错误被发现就马上说谎来掩饰.比如把什么玩具弄坏了,我一旦看见还没有说话她就会先说:妈妈是爸爸弄坏的!可是爸爸跟本 "每当他犯了错,他总是设法逃避了惩罚"英文翻译 失败、处罚、到达、生物、借、逃脱,英文翻译 but he doesn't have any hair.