
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:39:01
为什么电阻率小,涡流强计算涡流能用欧姆定律吗? 为什么电抗器的线圈和铁芯要绝缘?电阻率大为什么涡流小呢? 帮个忙嘞!不是的也可以了!1.在括号里填上适当的字,组成成语,并解释所填的字.波( )壮阔 ______ 成千( )百 ______ 应接不( ) ______2.根据词义填写成语.1)大家事先没有商量过,但看法和想 我的奶奶忘记今天早上买过蔬菜了的翻译. It's ending?It's another beginning什么意思?It's ending?It's another beginning 谁能给我罗德岛战记里another story's song的中文歌词,希望歌词翻译是准确的, We can't see clearly because it is f----There's a lot of rain here.(改为同义句) It's very ----- here.It is going to snow on Thursday.(改为同义句)It ---- ----- ----- on Thursday.It's ------ hotter today than it was yesterday.A.quite B.ve 1、The weather is so foggy that we can't see the road clearly(改为同义句)2、Miss wang was playing tennis.(改为一般疑问句) _____the hot weather,he couldn't sleep indoors.A.Because ofB.For2.Where was the courtyard?A.DownB.UnderC.BelowD.BottomTHANK YOU FOR HELPING ME! i was hot and i couldn ' t ( ) A asleep B sleeping C sleep D to sleep Let nature take its course well,let nature take its course. Let nature take its course.是什么意思,谢了 I'll not worry about it.I'll let nature take its course.中文意思? let nature take its course怎么翻译? saying sorry for the poor handwriting Let's take ____ active part in it! 好听的英文新歌 要歌名 背单词怎样快嘞? “Let's take it in!” ‘无论经受多少挫折都绝不退缩’把上面的句子替换成一个成语《江城子 密州出猎》中,表现作者英武之态的句子是( )( )故古诗两个空,也就是只填两句 哪里有朱镕基更多关于朱镕基的视频 there is no “羊”是中华文化的代表,你还能列举出其他代表中华民族的典型事物吗 Goldfrapp的 Let it take you歌词、英文就可以了、有翻译更OK、 I’m disappointed with the new officers elected in our club,but there is no point _______ about it.a.to worry b.in worrying c.with us worrying d.if we worry 奋进号"骑"波音747回家,想问:航天飞机是如何“爬”上客机背上的?大家都这么重,怎么骑上去啊?一楼好,二楼的情况是不可能的,哪来这种起重机啊?他们说要运费要200万美元左右,为什么,为什么 霉菌性阴道炎用什么洗液比较好? 奋进号航天飞机是坐火箭上天?然后分离吗?回来的时候是自己回来?怎么到地球的时候和飞机一样了?我们国家的怎么就是一个大球掉下来? 初中生优秀团干部事迹急用蛤`` The result of the study indicated that it was the type of fat()made the differencea that,b what,c who,d as为什么选a,不是缺主语应该选b吗 叶绿体中合成ATP的能量来源是什么?合成的ATP用于干什么?释放的氧气的来源是什么?CO2除大气外还来源于什么?(2) 线粒体中合成ATP的能量来源?合成的 ATP用于?吸收的氧气除来自大气外还来源于