
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:52:04
除了人名以外还有什么意思没? wish you 后边是接名次还是形容词?wish you 后边是接名次还是形容词e.g.wish you healthorwish you healthy 咬我的狗是疯狗吗我家邻居的狗咬了我,我不是在24小时之内打的疫苗.狗的表现是 无精打采,眼睛斜视,不怕水,走路缓慢,眼睛有很多眼屎现在这只狗咬完我一个半月了还活着呢,请问这是不是一 狗被疯狗咬了怎么办? 我家的狗被疯狗咬了也会疯吗?前几天我家的小狗(才2个月大),被一只疯狗咬伤了,头部腹部都有伤口,当时头上都流血了!听说被疯狗咬了的动物也会发疯,请问我家的狗狗会不会有事?我该怎 狗被疯狗咬后会疯吗 阿萨德是什么意思 著名的 的英语怎么写 what的语法成分eg:He never lied despite what people suggested 这里的what是什么成分?引导从句吗? if you not talking that i will think you agree!你不说话的话我当你默认同意了哦! -Where would you like to spend your summer vacation?-I haven't decide yet.I ___visit my grandparents.A.shall.B.must.C.may.D.need. what is love 与 what love is what一词成分分析一下、、 《超级》 英语怎么写 用"More ___"形式的词组 表示“重要”这个意思? 给我一句排比句 dress more casuall这个词组是什么意思 写一句排比句 写一句排比句 一句排比句.急! 请用“我将是”写一句排比句, translate to chinesePlease get me 2 hotel reservations for the visa:I confirm we propose booking the following flights,Outward Saturday 16:40 22Aug & arrive Sunday 09:30 23AugInward Saturday 11:25 29Aug & arrive Saturday 15:10 translate in to chinese1 rank-and-file officers2 be disillusioned about the university3 brokering more community resources for the crime prevention4 emergency calls are handled by a special response team,thereby permitting beat officers to stay avail 这句话里的What如何理解.What we often forget is that we all need a joy,a light in a dark day. who am i so stupid "No matter what happens, I know you will remain in my side."这句话是什么意思? How to translate this setence to Chinese: Do not take everthing seriously! 英语翻译翻译中文,我将永远是我,你是你?是这个意思吗 Translate this to chinese please.thxso no omoiga todokanaku ttate suki na hitoni wa sukitte tutaeru sore wa kono sekai de ichiban sutekina ko to sa 长的,简单的,排比句 求一首苏荷酒吧音乐 一个男的唱的 歌词里好像有one night ,one night , Ever wonder what Tom saw from the top of the The Burj Khalifa?它后面两个“THE“,对么? I will see if i want to order anything from you later.这句话的意思是 我以后出什么货都要考虑考虑了 是这个意思吗?是不是很消极的说法?由于和客户有一些小的误会,这是他发过来的信的一句话.怎么样