
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:03:17
what you can't see is that 是什么从句 高一英语完型阅读 写出后面句子的同义句:So I help her and she helps me. 虚拟条件句:Were she here,she would agree too.中的Were she here为什么不能理解为疑问句? 综合填空 She would a( ) the teacher for help even t( ) classes were over. 碰到太阳能水箱很矮又采用压力式传感器的情况,该如何尽量避免水位测量误差? 平板太阳能按装时,平板和水箱一样高可以吗 The gift is in the box.You canA take out it B take it out为什么这么做?2楼的讲得糊里糊涂,听不懂!到底什么时候把代词放中间? you are hear there's nothing I feel Let( )help you,Mr Hu.A.Lucy and IB.I and LucyC.me and LucyD.Lucy and me let Johon and me help you 和 let me and Johon help you 哪个正确 These books are f teachers .they arenot students' books 填空,看懂了吗 these blue books are the teachers(对划线部分the teachers的提问) 我在书上看到you are a teacher.和you are teachers.这两句话.意思相近,但第二句的teacher为什么会用到复数?teachers Are these red apples yours?(改为肯定句) are these red eraser yours? 【同义句转换】 Are these yours(肯定)的答句 I help Jack and Jack helps me. (simple sentence)请帮忙改为简单句,谢谢! Tom studied hard and passed the English exam (容易). 首字母填空 She worked very hard and passed the test f_______. Tom worked very hard.Soon his pay ____.A.rose B.was raised C.was risen D.raised These tomatoes are ours.(对ours提问) 什么are these tomatoes?They are 2 yuan a kilo. Walking on the moon is herder than on the earth.是什么意思? Walking on the moon is ______(difficult) than walking on the earth. If you feel my love Can you hear my thoughts Can you feel everything And if you hear can you spell it,please?改为同义词 if you feel my love的空间歌曲链接是空间的.要不卡的、 翻译recently i have had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should do out with ther on weekengs. 帮忙起一个英文名~最好有赞美歌声好听的寓意 我名字中有一个迪字 希望能有同音~ 怎样利用双水箱太阳能蓄热技术进行木材干燥? Everyone espect Tom ______ passed the exam.