
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:18:17
英语翻译the letters by leonard cohenyou never liked to getthe letters that i sentbut now you've got the gistof what my letters meantyor're reading them againthe ones you didn't burnyou press them to your lipsmy pages of concerni said there'd been 求某人原谅,求翻译英文 原谅长大的自己,为了活得更轻松(求翻译成英语) That boy doesn't like to do his homework,so he isn't _a__student. He always hangs out and doesn't like to do his homework.He is the l___ in our class. John doesn't like study.He does his homework _______.(care) It is a small house ( ) a small garden sth.get rid of sth.有这个用法吗? Mary ____ a house on the paper.it looks beautiful Although ____ thirty years ago,the house looks very beautiful.(build)答案上给的是 built我不明白为什么不能填 to be built或being built以及 to be built being built 为什么demand不能用demand sb to do sth的结构 请问哪个对?demand sb do sth----demand sb to do sth demand不能加双宾语嘛?比方说demand sb.to do sth. I can't afford computer. A.that good a B.a that good C.that a good D.a good that the new computer costs so __that Kate can't afford it四个选项有A.expensive B.cheap C.high D.much 英语翻译在新西兰怎样才能获得full license?我现在有翻译的驾照,是不是不用考learner了,就可以直接路试? 英语翻译上一季的汇率是8,而现在是5.82,现在的换汇更低了这一季开始更改了付款方式,从60天改为90天,所以银行费用更高了 3.工人的工资每年都在增长,这是由几个方面造成的,还请理解 solution concept怎么翻译 请问 solution portfolio 怎么翻译? 英语高手进I'm sorry I can't afford a ferrari,but that don't mean I can't get you therethat后用don't 不用替换成dosen't吗?Besides,这是Cee Lo Green的一首歌 英语翻译With experienceand maturity,our aspirations should increasingly represent self-chosen goals andvalues(i.e.,self-directedness)that express in a healthy,adult way what we’vecome to expect of ourselves.Consequently,our ideal self may s 英语翻译April is when accountants rise to the forefront of Americans' consciousness,but their importance is indelible to the organizations' operations year-round.Those who choose to receive certification as a public accountant and to pursue a mas John's homework is a little difficult.Can you help him? my dad was diagnosed with cancer,i played until i nearly____A.dropped B.slept答案为什么是dropped (弹钢琴的一段文章) my mother was just diagnosed with stomach cancer.求此句翻译,和单词diagnosed的意思 英语阅读理解1Most Americans don’t like to get advice from members of their family.When they need advice,they don’t usually ask people they know.Instead,many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines which give advice on many diffe 英语阅读理解What will man be like in the future - in 5 000 or even 50 000 years from now?We can only make a guess,of course,but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today.For man is slowly changing all the time.Let us take a The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans.And Jean Bethke Elshtain,for one,is glad.The fact that ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the Tension and anxiety are obstacles(障碍)to effective learning.The ability to relax is just as important to success in school as the ability to read.Anxiety can cause students to forget chapters that they have read,to “go blank” at quiz time, 不煽情什么意思 不煽情 这词是什么意思 90年代煽情什么意思