
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:43:20
she will be overcome with sentiment at her daughter's apparent happiness.好复杂的句子谁帮我准确地翻译下吧,机器翻译出来的意思是不对的.she是一个母亲,这句话的上下文是讲她的女儿要出嫁,然后这个母亲 Shane and I were overcome【(1.受到…的极大影响)】with laughter 这里的overcome是什么用法? 已知数列{an}满足a0=1,an=p|an-1|-1(n∈N,p为常数,0 英语翻译有道翻译出来是我相信积极方面使苦恼的负面的 不懂, I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful并表示寓意 请问,Right now 和Right away I smelt a reat when he started being so kelpful there is no difficulty ___ can't be overcome in the worlda.which b.that c.what为什么选B?怎么分析 I am a clock.I have no __,but I have three __ 填空:I'm afraid the long ones have been sold______? you are slipping away do you know right away if you are going to like someone?谢 When are you away 啥意思文革时 书里有这张字条 sth be discounted by x%比如说,the dress is discounted by 30%,是指打三折,还是打七折? she pauses,overcome by shyness,overcome怎么不用被动呢 Mr Black drove in the _________ of his office.(direct) 英语求助Start out right away,____ you'll miss the first train. 求start it right away(reprise)的歌词罗马音 Start it right away 歌词 I persuaed him to start out right away but he insisted on waiing a little longer.这是个四处画线题,为什么要把persuaded 换成asked 1.mr.smith _______ that he did not want to go for a trip whatever price itA:declared B:declares C:has declared D:had declared Mr. Smith _______ that he did not want to go for a trip whatever price it may be.A:declared B:declares C:has declared D:had declared Mr.Smith declared that he did not want _______ on any responsibilities.A:put up B:to take C:putting D:to look 请帮我找一下宋濂的《送东阳马生序》急啊谢谢啊我非常急,大家帮我找一找啊, 关于宋濂《送东阳马生序》的问题?作者说自己向老师请教时“或遇其叱咄,色愈恭,礼愈至,不敢出一言以复”,他为什么会这样写?对此你有什么样的看法?请回答具体点. 三峡这篇课文可分为几个层次,各层次的意思是什么 The computer will analyze the () data and give us a reportA rudeB cruelC roughD crude When you really go do something,often also many things can't turn back time.译成中文 thanks 流光什么的词语 急求高手代谢一片250到300字的英语作文 Describe a time when you did something you did not want to do,b急求250到300字的英语作文 Describe a time when you did something you did not want to do,but it helped make you a better person. they will even give their 一眨眼的功夫比喻时间很短的词语是什么?