
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:19:23
手表上的forward什么意思? Fortunately,he enjoyed the plays of Shakespear's company just as much as the great queen had,and from that time forward the company had a new name. 英语翻译The three travelers were all tired after a few days of non-stop riding on horsebake,so they found a village________they decided to stay there for the night.A.theatre B.cafe C.hospital D.inn顺便帮我翻译一下, It is a non-profit Egyptian institution specializing in providing training,求翻译 day求翻译 we are always standing with you successful Are the teeth always with Are the teeth always with you? What day is it today =What day of ()()is today 打扫森林里面的林务官美滋滋想什么的? 填空:林务官异想天开的命令是……林务官异想天开的命令是(),护林工人照着他的话去做,结果(),从中我们懂得了:(). He catchs the ball and throws it back.A B C哪个地方错了?6A高分拔尖catchA throwsB backC RECOMMENDED USE ON TRAINING DAYS翻译 英语翻译等到有人翻译了,翻译得准确,我给80-100分! 帮我翻译清楚点,别太乱 电机术语翻译:Supplier recommended solid content for use on windings 你们谁英标不错的帮个忙(有几个问题)选出发音不同于其他三项的一项1.A cut B cute C cup D duck2.B both B come C something D brother3.A nurse B burn C Europe D turn4.A pass B ask C base D basket5.A laugh B enough C elephan How to promote sales?对这个话题进行展开!不要很多,100个单词足够!要英文版的! 兄弟,能告诉我11到20的英语怎么读出来么?比如1是noe 那你就标上 万 帮个忙可以么? how to attract customers?and how to promote the products?how to attract customers how to promote the products?welcome to give me some valuable advise .thanks a lot!please reply in English!As a Foreign Trade Business ManHow to contact foreign costomer )How to promote a healthy campus life? How to increaing sales用英语回答更好 急用 感激涕零 宋朝明朝的灭亡是因为党争吗? 很多人都以为明朝亡于党争,有国不亡,党争不息的说法,不知道有没有道理 为何明朝党争不断,科举制度的问题吗 什么是及物动词? 及物动词是什么? 研究平抛运动的实验为啥不用游标卡尺也不用别的刻度尺? 这把尺子叫什么,好像不是游标卡尺谁知道这个尺子叫什么记得小时候有一把,但是不知道怎么被我小时候当玩具弄丢了看清楚好不好,这哪里是游标卡尺!我记得是用来解三角函数的,因为当时 How to maim myself?How to become crippled and disabled?hey,hey please tell me how to protect myself 介绍一个英语听力练习软件,功能就像复读机那样的就行,不需太多,要求能将MP3英语听力导入,最好能同时显示导入的文字材料,然后能就某一时段的听力进行反复听就行,关键是对时段的划分较 练习英语听力,复读机比MP3好吗