
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 13:18:46
是.of she还是.of her 正式成为夫妻 用英语怎么说?》 请问Microsoft.的音标怎么读?请写明音标 any后面跟不可数名词可以用复数?比如any words?肯定句中,“任何”意义时 Microsoft 微软,怎么读? It is no good to talk to him求改错 Victor will come to China.It is a good c_____ to see him. for him,it would be a __________to be able to have a day off work.A good B Luxury选什么?为什么? USD 3.55/pc with 0.2% ASS 57,219,570.00美元的中文和英文说法?fifty seven million two hundred and ninteen thoudsand and five hundred seventy dollars only伍仟柒佰贰拾壹万玖仟伍佰柒拾元整这样写对吗? AUS/USD 0.6480/90 0.6480是用0.6480美元买入澳元的意思吗 “令人满意的”用英语怎么说? 使人怎么怎么样用英语怎么说 求一篇短小英文希腊神话故事 谁有短一点的希腊神话故事100字左右,要5篇 PRICE TERM:THE BASE PRICE SHALL BE USD36.0PER WMT CIF Laizhou Port or main port,China 怎么翻译 On July 10,a foreign trade company hassigned a sales contract (CIF) worth 150,000 USD with foreign investors,and thepayment shall be made through irrevocable letter of credit.The contractprovided for our goods should be shipped out in August.On July 中国A公司于8月10日向荷兰B公司发盘:“可供花生油5000公吨,CIF鹿特丹695美元”,该发盘于8月14日送达B公司.8月13日A公司收到B公司来电:“欲向你方购买5000公吨花生油,CIF鹿特丹695美元.”问A、 设我某公司以每吨250美元CIF中国口岸进口盘条1000公吨,加工成机械螺丝100万出口,每0.32美元CFR卡拉奇,纸箱装250罗/箱,每箱0.030m³,毛重30千克,海运运费按W/M10级,基本费率为80美元.求计算外汇 不能消化的用英语怎么说I打头的 初三的几道英语填空1.That kind of music isn't s___ for children.2.姚明现在成名了.Now Yao Ming ___ ___ ___.3.去年在泰安他们玩得很高兴.They ___ ___ ___ ___ in Tai'an last year. 1.Mary kept her ______ (very useful or important) things in a strong metal box2.Did you_____(see or hear)anything unusual in the house3.Sorry.I _____(forget about) the class meeting in the afternoon4.Do you have any problems with your new school( 我为班级争光彩作文急急急急急急急急急急急急急!偷偷告诉你们这是2012年5月23日上海市浦东新区区抽样的作文!!急急急急急急急急急急急急急现在就要!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 想找英语初三上学期的首字母填空练习……除了百度文库里的,可以是好的网站之类的^^最好和初三上学期的内容有关^^3Q啦 一篇英语首字母填空, This year's high school graduates have got some great gifts,envelopes of cash,an iPhone and even cars.But few gifts can compare to the thoughtful p_____ that Brenna Martin received from her dad.填什么?My early teachers m_____ my "pigtails";my high Let us_____(think) about it 英语 首字母填空 .That problem is so u____ that it made me unable to sleep last night .He never c____ in an examination,so he is an honest student. let me think about it 中文歌词 think,food,about,let's,the(.)连词成句 大多数鸟至少有多少根羽毛?大多数.至少. 怎样提高班级荣誉感