
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:54:31
She goes home by bys every day 的同义句 Every day he goes home ____(direct) after work.根据括号里的单词填恰当的英语 it took me an hour to walk to the market改为同义句 日本地震具体位置 日本地震的具体位置日本地震的具体地方,还有详细的原因 They will plant more trees nert month变成被动语态 two day ago改成现在完成时two day ago 改成现在完成时怎么改 ______United States of America is a big country.A The B An C A 英语翻译Country' s name explanation:The United States of America (The UnitedStates of America) is called US (U.S.A.) C blocks ú acquires famebecause of continent.in English,the America and America are theidentical word "America",only is the Chin In history,the Great Britain is the most powerful country,and now,the united states is the most 克莉丝汀的英文名称? Jenny will leave for Beijing next week.(同义句Jenny will leave for Beijing next week.(同义句改写)Jenny _____ _____ for Beijing next week. ( )1.____ will leave for Beijing.A.Now there the man B.The man here nowC.The man who is here now D.The man is here nowB为什么不能? 请问英文名cristine和christine的中文译音有什么区别啊? kristen和christine之间有联系没?还是本来就是相同的英文名? 单项选择 China is_____united and strong country of 5单项选择 China is_____united and strong country of 56 peoples.A.a B.an C.the D.\答案加原因 为什么用 what day will it be tomorrow 不用 will it is “what day will it is tomorrow?”语法对吗? 英语翻译想写个论文 关系发达国家堆发展中国家饮食文化的侵袭需要翻译这些句子、、HOOK:走在首都的大街上,整条街都遍布洋快餐.美国的饮食文化正在席卷中国大地.主题句:发达国家与 英语翻译在经济环境好的因素下,许多人就喜爱到商店去购买宠物.因此,许多商贩利用这个良好时机,过度繁殖宠物.由此产生了一些的消极影响比如:由于近亲繁殖,产生了一些所谓的畸形儿; they are friendly yo each other 同义句 they _____ on _____ with each other. 求问沪江网校试听课程结束的英文歌依稀记得歌词有句:i know i will forget you,you know my mind. last of the Last Of The Wilds链接求空间可以用的 the united states is a d---- country It will be cold tomorrow.What can you wear?回答. Can you imagine that I’m now in the United States,a country so different from China 第五题,to write.和 to write with的区别,纠结了半天 things to write with是什么意思 will sam leave for Madrid next month.he will leave for moscow.  怎么翻译? He left for Beijing after a week.与 He will leave for Beijing in a week有什么区别翻译一下 can you (find /find out)when the next train will leave for paris.理由写清楚,关键词画出来