
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:55:54
鸡兔共笼公式 -鸡兔共100只,鸡的脚少70只,鸡兔各多少只- 求这类题的公式、. 【20分】You ought to keep the windows opening all the time.You ought to keep the windows opening all the time.语法是否有误?I'm writing this letter to tell you something bad about playing on computer.SOMETHING BAD ABOUT PLAYING ON COMPUTER You ( ) keep the water running all the time,because you are wasting .A.ought to B.ought not to Kind体贴的用英语怎么读 英文 亲切kind 怎么读 是 开的 还是 ki的 如题 ()______ some magazines A.look B.read C.watch D.see()______ some magazinesA.look B.read C.watch D.see 求一篇关于children should be criticized from time to time的英语议论文 动物在秋天干什么动物在秋天干什么 1.6名评委给一名歌唱演员打分,平均分为9.60分;去掉一个最高分,平均分为9.55分;去掉一个最低分,平均分为9.72分;最高分和最低分都去掉,这名歌唱演员的平均分是多少?(结果保留两位小数 nike are hard you working连词成句 跪求一份英国概况的ppt 我要做presentation 哪方面都行 建筑之类的 今晚就要 高考英语 ——There is nothing quite as exciting as watching an NBA game____a last-second three-pointer changes tne result.——Absolutely right.Some moments will be kept in memory for ever.A.that B which Cwhere C when这是个定语从句吧? 几道定于从句的题目,特别急噢~英语水平好点的来回答噢~1.I'll tell you[ ]he told me last night.A all which B all what C that all D all2.How do you like the book?It's quite differnt from[ ]I read last month.A that B which C the one 高考英语单选 从句One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future ___ we can face all the challenges with confidence.A.in that B.so that C.even if D.if onlyA为什么不行? 两道高考英语语法题!从句,时态.My cousin went to Canada two years ago.He_A_ there for a few months and then went to America.A.worked B.would work C.would be working D.has been working虽然我知道BCD都不行但我觉得A也不对啊,明 问1----5题答案, 节选的这几段文字中,奥楚蔑洛夫对狗的态度有几次变化?原因分别是什么? 在处理狗咬人事件的过程中,警官奥楚蔑洛夫的态度共有几次变化?是围绕什么而变化的? 谁知道哪种动物能给哪种植物治病 为什么植物或动物可以治病?(请高人回答)地球是一个生态系统!是一个相对平衡,而且时刻都在变化或进化的系统.这些生物或物质都是由相同的元素或分子构成.为什么他们之间又有相生相 5:30、12:18、8:00如何用英语表示? 把18到30的词语翻译成英文 奥楚蔑洛夫处理狗咬人事件不依据法令,也不依据客观事实.他唯一的依据是《变色龙》 奥楚蔑洛夫在处理狗咬人事件中,态度五次变化其中什么没有变? maize&corn,the difference 注:英文是CORN 做一期杂志包括内容,要求 1. 由于大多数体育比赛在北半球举行,国际田联规定:中长跑运动员训练时,一般要沿跑道逆时针跑动,这是为什么?(虽然我知道可能是因为地球自转使水平物体方向偏转,)2. 有关地球自传 宿州二中高一暑假作业地理答案 They work,take care of their homes,cook meals and d____their children to activities.完形填空,是6年级偏难的. This is a good piece of work,_____ a few slight faults.A.apart B.besides C.except D.apart from我选B,