
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:07:17
We are doing our homework at school改为一般疑问句 we're doing our homework,一般疑问句 ____ (也许)she will come back tonight,but I'm not sure. 有一首抒情的英文歌有一句歌词是「you and me we are one」是一个女歌手唱的这首歌叫什么名字! Don't worry .I can ____(help)you.用括号里的词的适当形式填空 用括号里的词的正确形式填空 Are you__________(help) at school? 为什么澳洲都是些有袋类动物?比如袋鼠,袋熊,袋狼……只在澳洲,这说明着什么? 什么澳大利亚会有很多袋类动物? I don't know__he will come tomorrow.这里为什么用if而不是whether We are doing our homework.(doing our homework划线)划线提问回答一下 are you sure __ simon will come tomorrow?yes,but i'm not sure __ he will help you or nota that whether b if whetherc that thatd if that we are doing our homework 里面的our 对吗,还是用my 1.they will come tomorrow if they are not prevented 为什么用if 不用whether2.we are to perform a new experiment this afternoon 可以把are to perform 换成will be to perform 3.can you tell me whom the dictionary belong to 的whom the dictionar 花钟的意思是啥子? 为什么有袋类动物都在澳大利亚 ok befor you come give me a call make sure i am 如题 We are doing _____.[ ] A.our homework B.We are doing _____.[ ]A.our homework B.my homework C.one's homework D.homeworks We are doing our homework.中doing是助动词?还是现在分词 一篇短文《花钟》花钟 夏天,天亮得早,我起得也早.大约五点钟,我去湖边跑步,做早操.我看见牵牛花已经开放了.每天都是这样.我听见虫儿在草丛里高声鸣叫.露水很重.不知为什么,我总喜欢把 颐和园里的湖因为什么叫“昆明湖”? 题目“花钟”的意思是什么 颐和园的昆明湖结冰了吗?今天北京的冬天,比往年暖和,不知道颐和园的昆明湖结冰了没有?能提供最近今天的照片更好--2014.1.8 公园+++的+++++里++++++++花++++++开放+++++++++竞相++怎么排列句子并是什么标点符号 为什么澳大利亚会有很多袋类动物?地理隔离 为什么澳洲的动物 有袋子 ------(似乎,好像)that Tom wasn't at home?该怎么填后面不是问号,多写了 Tony wasn't at home yesterday.用could改写 Ton ------ --------- ------- home yesterday. 2.He couldn't buy her a coat (because he didn't have money)对划线部分提问 ------ -------- he buy her a coa? 3.Yao plays basketall very well (同 为什么澳大利亚会有很多袋类动物 We are busy ____(do) our homework this afternoon. 填空 we are very busy ( )our homework now 单项选择:We are busy____our homework.A.do B.dose C:doing D.to do 玉米是雌雄同株、异化授粉植物,可本植株的花粉,也能接受其 他植株的花粉.在一块农田间行种植等数量基因为什么是7:9玉米是雌雄同株、异化授粉植物,可本植株的花粉,也能接受其 他植