
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:53:52
let加动词原型意为_______ 英语主动改被动1.the chairman announced the news.2.they say that the island is a good place for holiday.3.he will offer me a job. 英语中动词后加动词原形的有哪些?比如let,还有什么? 英语把主动改被动 1.The children are planting trees near the river.改为:trees ____ ___ ___ near the river by the children.2.We are playing football 改为:Football ___ ___ ___ by us.3.Many students enjoy cartoon films in our school.改 英语题被动变主动Were they seen to gei off the bus by their teacher yesterday?变主动 ( )their teacher()()()off the bus yesterday? 英语 主动改被动并翻译...I have left my umbrella at home.They wrote letters of thanks to all their friends.They did not buy the computer in this store.Did the teacher criticize him for his carelessness?Is someone repairing the radio? 酒店介绍需要翻译,菜式特点也非常重要,谁可以做好翻译,请急速回复, if引导的宾语从句与条件状语从句的区别 关于if引导宾语从句If you _ (see) Tom please ask him if _ (come) to Jim's birthday tomorrow.if 翻译为是否 和翻译为如果 时态都怎么用 If you _ (see) Tom please ask him if he _ (come) to Jim's birthday tomorrow. 如何区别if引导宾语从句和条件状语从句 if 引导的宾语从句的时态She didn't tell me if she _____(度过)this summer vacation here this year.请问这里应该怎么填?我填的是spent但是答案给的是would spent用了过去将来时了?它解释说宾语从句的时态应该 这个句子哪个部分是宾语从句,为什么?另外if引导的是什么句子.If anyone ever asks her how old she is. I am talking _____ Jim _____our School Day A to;about B about;to C with; to D to;with What are you talking ( B.with C.about D ./改错:Our English teacher often gives us some useful advices.pleasing,pleased,pleasant的不同 Who are you talking( )and what're you talking( ).A to;about B about;to C to;with D with;to Mr Green is talking ________us________public;with B.with;to;aboutWhen's National Day of China?—It's in_______.A.October B.November C.December 窈窕淑女君子好逑全文拼音要有 主动改被动.1.They sell oranges in the shop.2.People don't produce oil in America.3.How many TV sets did you sell last week?4.Helen's parents sent her to school when she was nine.5.We can't make the same mistake twice. 窈窕淑女君子好逑的赏析要不太一样的就这一句,特殊一点。不要太流行的说法。 为什么窈窕淑女,君子好逑? 英语翻译酒店设施齐全,装修豪华典雅,以中国传统院落的布局方式,运用现代风格的手法进行重新演绎,适当融入当前国际风格元素在其中和谐并存,相互融合,交相辉映.酒店分为主楼、贵宾楼、 Would you like to talk with my foreign friends over there?---句中over there 怎么翻译? the there over with he girls is怎么连句 they ____(talk)about the questions with their teacher over there He is talking with three beautiful ( )over there 高中英语中如Stop doing 和Stop to do 这种一个单词跟两种形式的单词有哪些麻烦各位大哥 大姐 下 全一点的 好不好`` 初三英语宾语从句which,that,who怎么区别 最好顺便介绍when 在宾语从句中如何正确使用that,who,which,whom,(还有哪些关系代词).比如a teacher is a person who teaches.我是怕复杂点的用成:a teacher is a person that teaches. 角色4人以上, 求4人初中英语话剧4——6分钟左右 My father is fond of talking about the old days,____is often the case with old people.为什么填as而不是what呢? 初中英语短剧剧本或台词