
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:47:45
Our school is so famous that___people come and visit it every term.A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundred ofD.hundreds of 急 Our friendship came to mean more and more to me as time passed.(come to some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts More and more people come to realised that much must be done to prevent pollution——well.A.from livingB.to live C.to go D.from going要详解答案是B ,求解释 Jenny's,what,favorite,is,day What's my favorite是什么意思RT 、这句话的结构对么? What s your favorite 快速,急用 要行之有效的方法和具体方案,不要啰啰嗦嗦的复制粘贴. 每种面值的纸币代表多大价值是由国家决定的这句话对吗? 求狮子座的英文名我姓陶,8月14日生的,爱讲笑话,幽默活泼.取个英文名,最好还有中文谐音. what's yuor name? 国家有权决定纸币的发行量面额大小和实际购买力的意思 what's you favorite sport 同义句转换 what sport ___ you ___ ___ 国家有权决定纸币的发行量和面值大小,但不能决定纸币的购买力大小吗? 每种面值的纸币各代表多少价值由国家决定,这句话为什么错,求详细解释并举一些具体例子,不要那么抽象的 求口语短文Do you agree or disagree People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing?同意人们有时候要做自己不喜欢作的事情。specific reasons and example to support my answeer.主要是从三方面来陈述:1、 people should sometimes do things they do not enjoy doing麻烦能帮我写个此题目的议论文么 字数大概在200字以内! 英语口试 People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.两个同学辩论 agree/disagree 我是disagree 要有例子 求文档: people should not pay for public transportation.do you agree or disagree? 变频机是用膨胀阀节流好还是用毛细管节流好变频制冷家用电器之所以能够高效节能是由于可以根据负荷变化随时对压缩机实行无级能量调节.这就要求制冷剂供液量的调节范围宽.电子膨胀 家用空调电子膨胀阀和毛细管有什么区别?哪一个更好? What does your favorite actor or actress look like? what does your favorite singer look like?关于本兮写一篇英语作文 是The actor named Liu还是The actor is Liu .这是回答 What is your favorite actor? 高一政治 价值尺度的原因是什么有没有更好的回答呢 我的作业需要 是预习作业 【高一政治】关于价值尺度和一句和它有关的话我知道是价值尺度的定义,是 货币所具有的表现和衡量其他一切商品的价值大小的职能.我读了半天,也没理解是啥个意思,然后再复习中发现这 Thanks ,the same to you ,求翻译 thanks all the Many thanks,the same to you~ WHAT FRUIT DO YOU LIKE BEST的答句是什么? what kind of fruit do you like best,grape,pear or apple?这句话对吗,grape,pear or apple不要用复数吗 单选题:What fruit juit do you like best?有四个选项分别是Apple,Pear,Orange and Banana