
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:17:05
THE LONG SWIFT SWORD OF SIEGFRIED怎么样 需要将目地片段与细菌连接重组表达.是否应先设计目的基因和细菌的引物?怎麼设计?是否需要知道全序列?还需要双酶切,引物要如何设计? 《叛逆的鲁路修》中,每人的Code-Geass是什么?拜托各位了 3Q 英语真难学啊 - - 现在的英语真难学呀!谁有窍门的给我说下 “你就是你的办公室”,这句在今天几乎是不可思议的 泰戈尔Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can说说对这句话的理解与认识,用英语.帮帮忙,英语课需要 不可思议和不可想象在句子中可以调换吗 "拥有着不可思议的魔法" 这句英文怎么翻?想用来做歌词的,所以请尽量翻的唯美一些!最好多翻几种说法~ decidetion是什么意思及用法?请告诉我谢谢 やっぱり和すぐ的用法.还有各种用法对应的是什么意思,主要是在口语中...我只有16分...给你15分意思意思算了. 战胜困难英文怎么说 我们可以战胜困难 用英语怎么说 (战胜困难)翻译成英文 Rules around you的翻译 You rock .You rule 口语都可以表示你太棒了,你太牛了吗?表示对对方的称赞. 英语填空,求带翻译……If you __ the fire rules above,you'll have more chances to live. would 提问的回答 would you go with me yes i would 还是willthe book is not mine ,whose ,it be Acan Bmight Cmay there was plenty of time you ,,,,,hurry Aneedn't have hurried B hurry . 这是什么公仔,叫什么名字?就这只.叫什么名字呀? 1.将下列句子变否定句、疑问句并回答1) I am going to travel to Shanghai next Sunday.2) He is going to play basketball this afternoon.3) We are going to help the old man.4) There are going to be twe meetings this evening.5)Jim is goi sense of self 意思 what's the meanning of this word.thank you.in my english paper,it has a sentence.but i don't konw what the meanning about the phrase is.please answer to me .thank you." ' watch out ' don't step in that dog pooh."---- the word " pooh " and the phrase 连词成句,us/ let /never/ forget/ those/ helpful/ people The manager gave an instruction to the employees.They should come to work on time.(that连接)求大 temporary 短暂的挫折? I'm losing weight recently.(120个字的英语作文,不要复制粘贴,达人现场做一篇给我.) -_- i am on diet.here i am on a diet means Ai am ill Bi am busy C i am full D i'm losing my weight big big word 的中文歌词是WHAT?thank you Mr.Price risked defeat in running against Mr.Johnson in the last election.谁能翻译一下弄不明白到底是谁击败了谁! 松鼠水牛蚂蚁大雁山羊天牛蝴蝶青蛙螳螂公鸡哪些是昆虫 痣上为什么会长毛 我的痣会不会长毛= 小时候小小的一点 随着长大变得有点大了.颜色不深 淡棕色 抚摸有点突起 但是看不出来 很担心会不会长毛= 恶心啊这种痣可以点掉么?如果不长毛 我还是不点了 长毛影响