
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:54:26
高一阅读英语 高一学生的英语的完型20个只能对一半、任务型阅读也只能对3、4个、怎么办.我单词也背的不好、词组什么的中英文对不上号、怎么办 she was so angry that she couldn't speak同义改写she was so angry___ ___ ___ ___to speak 求《晨读英语美文100篇 CET4》(肖婵)附带mp3希望手里有的朋友给我供源或给我下载地址. Do you want me to clean the room?123 .Did you clean the room?答句是什么?是yes,i do么 You Make Me Want To Clean My Room 歌词 If you want clean the room,you can put out a "made up" sign 是否是want to clean? 汉族最为集中在哪里? Do+you+speak+English?I+couldn't+understand+a+word中文是什么意思 海外华人分布状况 Angela is _________ in English.选择最佳答案A.Interesting.B.interest.C.interested D.interestsMy father goes to work ___________A.by a car.B.by cars.C.in a car D.drive a car 请问这是哪里,叫什么?在哪个国家,具体地址 ____,she couldn't fall asleep.A.Excited B.Being excited 请说明原因~ 英语主要分布在哪些国家 海外华人数量增长最快的国家 Angela的英文意思张韶涵的Angela 你是不是有星火英语晨读英语美文CET-4 mp3(第二版)!可不可以发给我? 东莞今天会下雨吗谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 东莞虎门今天下雨吗 明天,东莞会下雨吗? What do you think of the performance today?”“Great!____ but a musical genius could perform so successfully.”A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody为什么选B.None 报英语班,实惠点的,最好能在晚上上课,周末也可以(北京) soft 我要 Elin Lanto唱的I Can Do It Watch Me Now 这首歌的MP3地址必需要在QQ空间网络音乐中可以播放的 Elin Lanto唱的 I can do it watch me now百度试听地址必须空间里能放的 Dr.Jiang took a look ( ) his left arm.填介词 Elin Lanto的 I CAN DO IT 的链接,谢谢!哪呢,我没看见啊,具体指点下,谢谢啊? He took me by the arm`1)为什么不是by his arm`2)有一种结构是:动词+人名+介词+the +身体某个部位,有一个短语是这样的:held Tony in his arms(把他抱在怀里),这个短语为什么不是in the arms呢 take sb by 什么意思?took him by the arm 什么意思 我现在想上英语班,周末有空,给我推荐一个吧,北京的 have(第三人称单数) third(基数词) beauty(形容词) am(过去式) cold(反义词)