
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:46:51
子曰:“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也.”300字评价 子曰:“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也.”翻译 不要抽烟是用don't smoking还是don't smoke,谢谢大家! 请问中的八卦图形 名称 注音 山行古诗描写了哪些景物 Many boys in our class often do their homework very careful.改出错误 山行是写什么季节的诗啊 山行是怎么写的?(古诗全部) 知道弟子规吗? in note form在新概念三中的一个短语,意思是什么 and may life“s most fantastic things always come your 题西林壁 方位的词语有哪些? Time will tell .I mean it. go bad 和 go offIf we don't put the milk in the fridge in hot weather,it will (B) soon.A.go wrongB.go badC.go awayD.go off我觉得应该选D,可答案选B,我查过字典了,go off有变质的意思,而go bad只是变坏 英语翻译以下的这几句都翻译了两种,不知哪种是对的,还是两种都对...错的请帮忙改正,我们曾收到那架飞机失事前发出的无线电求救信号.(pick up)We had picked up radio signals for help from the plane b 仔的发音有几个,在人名里怎么读 第三个人名的读音? 人名发音Belyaeva这个名字该如何发音 翻译过来应该是什么 翻译:An ebook is ordered in print book is. electronic address 英语翻译刚看BOAT,介绍说this is a borzoi book published by alfred a.knopf.不太明白borzoi off you go.的语法和意思. off i we'd go off to the studio after school and I might or might not get a snack. GO OFF 黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回,用了什么修辞手法? 英语翻译我是男的。要特别的一点的。不要太俗气的。 引导宾语从句和表语从句的连词有哪些,加上例句谢谢 状语从句 用适当的连词填空1.I'll take her about the important news___ I see her.2.____ she was checking his temperature,the bell was ringing.3.There are heavy clouds in the sky___ it is going to rain 用适当连词填空 关于黄河的散文诗集 用适当的连词填空!1.He is _____ young _____ he can't go to school now2.I was watching TV ______ my mon came back3.We ran to the trees,_____we could't see any more monkeys.4.You can come to my home _____ you like.5.You must take care of yoursel