
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:17:07
在()填上适当关联词(不重复)1、()下一番功夫,()能练出一手好字 填空 they were p_after the terrible earquake 一个长方体,长缩短2.5厘米后,就变成了一个正方体,表面积比原来减少30平方厘米,原来长方体的表面积是( )平方厘米 一个底面是正方形的长方体,高缩短5厘米后就变成了一个正方体,而且表面积减少了240平方厘米.求原来长方体的表面积 在下边的空格内填上诗句,使上一句诗的最后一个字成为下一句诗的开头(一条小横线一个字)1西出阳关无故人 人_______意2欲______ ______天 天光云影共徘徊3决____ ____幽 幽径独行迷 请照例句,发挥想象,在下列横线上把句子补充完整例:友谊说:我是一架帮助别人攀登的云梯.奋斗说:我是一曲______________的赞歌.困难说:我是一盏______________的航灯. 横线上添用然组成的词语 春节很快乐.春节一眨眼就过去了.用关联词把这两句话合成一句话是什么 写关联词 ( )虚度时光的人,( )会一次又一次脸红 翻译:which command will show the MAC addresses of stations connected to switch ports?要意译 英语翻译 辩论:科技发展利大还是弊大(正方:利大于弊) 用恰当的关联词,把两个句子组成三个不同的句子.1.我们下一番功夫.2.我们能练出一笔好字. ()功夫深,铁棒()磨成针.填上恰当的关联词 唇齿相依打一字 It will be ( ) time to see the lion dance and i am very excitedA first B my first C my the first D the my first 唇齿相依(打一字) (They)go to see the lion dance show.对括号题问 ____ _(They)go to see the lion dance show.对括号题问____ ____ to see the lion dance show? 每个成语打一个字谜 出口成章 水落石出 有口难言 事事如意 长篇大论 唇齿相依 一无所获 玉无瑕点 If jack and his father go to see she show ,how much they spend? ()的诸葛亮()的曹操()的林冲()的孙悟空 They want to see the lion 对see the lion 提问 打一字谜.出口成章.水落石出.有口难言.事事如意.长篇大论.唇齿相依.一无所获.玉打一字谜.出口成章.水落石出.有口难言.事事如意.长篇大论.唇齿相依.一无所获.玉无瑕点 they are going to see (an animal) show this afternoon. 对划线部分提问( ) ( ) ( )they going to ses this afternoon? ( )刷子李下了一番苦工夫,( )能练出一手好技术.填关联词,要三句 I asked the price of the car,but they had already sold it这只是过去完成时 不是状语从句吧没有时间状语啊 i asked the price of the car but they had already sold it的同义句 I asked the price of the car,but they had already sold it. I asked the price of the car ,but they had already sold it 这是什么时态麻烦给翻译下,说明下为什么用这个时态 , 翻译1.After a heated bargaining they agreed onthe price for the car.2..Classroom testing, if well done, most certainly acts as a stimulus to study and real learning. 关于写自己上课和下课两个样的作文 下课十分钟的作文怎么写?