
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:45:10
含"萍"字的成语有哪些 i will not that again to he says“ i will not do so again ” he says that he —————— not do so again空里为什么填will 不是填would He has said,"I will not do so again." →He has said that he ____ not do so again.A.will B.must C.would D.do 我们老师说应该选A,为什么? 接天莲叶无穷碧 ,映日荷花别样红 的朝代作者 penalty这个单词有什么联系记忆法记住吗同题 【萍】字成语或者有带【萍】字好的形容词? 关于带“萍”(平)子字的词语或成语 带萍的成语 What's your favorite ( I don't like any ( ).A.subject subjets B.subject subject Mary has to help her mother b_____ on weekends. 《莫生气》 谁知道《莫生气》? lucy has to help her mother cleans the rooms 哪里错了? 句型装换 2)There are two cinemas in that town.(next year) 3) He comes back late.(in two days)4) She is a conductor of a train.(soon)5) Li Ming is ten years old.(next year)6) I cometimes write to my mother in the evening.(tonight)7) He went ther 句型转换 1.there are two cinemas in that town (next year )2.he come back late(in two days) surprise surprising 有什么区别?各自的词性是什么?We are going to have a ___ party for Jim .A.surprisiing B.surprise(是选surprising还是surprise?) He says he will be back two days but he comes back a week.介词的用法after 和in 的区别 to one's surprise的词性 连词成句he back in two days come . surprise 和surprised,surprising的词性和意思是什么 you did give me surprise did的词性 黄带平面与地轴的夹角度数是多少? the,now,is,dinner,your,making,mother,kitchen,in 连词成句 假如地轴与黄道平面的夹角变小,地球的五带范围会怎样变化? A mother and her son were washing dishes in the kitchen while (当---时) the father and the daughter were watching TV in the sitting room. Suddenly, there was a crash (哗啦声) of breaking dishes. Then the girl looked at her father and said, “It surprise的形容词是什么 A big smile __on his face when he heard his daughter won the first place again A appearedB was appearing 翻译:她不知道买哪一件毛衣 she does't know ()() () () Do you know when she walks her dog?如何翻译? You don't know Mike's sister,_______?(翻译疑问句) It was not until she come back that I watched TV.