
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:38:17
命题作文《充实自己》如何审题 找出这个句子里的主、谓、宾、定语、状语、补语人们期盼已久的春天终于悄悄地来了. 找出下列句子的定语、状语、补语无数颗星星在茫无涯际的宇宙中运动着.载人的宇宙飞船已经成功的实现了登上月球的飞行.远处灯塔的红光想在黑暗的空间.教师入情入理的讲课也在我心上 帮忙分析两个句子和告诉我状语和补语的区别【句子已给出】He speaks English very well.他英语说得非常好(请问句子中的very well是补语还是状语)I think the TV set very nice.(这里的very nice是补语还 The little girl was the victim of the________,she________by the cruel________(kidnap). You were supposed_____at the bus stop this moring.A.to meeting B.to meet C.on meeying D.meet It is her red eraser.(改为同义句) ______eraser_____ _____. Only take such clothes__really necessary.a.as were b.as they are c.as they were d.as are Why? my shoes are really cheap.they only——me five dollarsA cost B took C spent D paid they are not really glasses,they are only frames.(in) different colors and shapes,这里为啥用in? 苏州园林为什么与北京的园林不同,极少使用彩绘 they were trying to return the money to ___lost itwhom whowhy? you were supposed to meet后接什么 Give the followings piural forms(翻译成英文) drop这首歌的MP3格式! drop the stick是什么意义 He spent two yuan to buy the book这句话那错啦? Yesterday my mother spent 2000 yuan to buy a computer 的四种 外贸提单中description of goods 什么意思 They sell the shoes for $10.(改为同义句) The shoes areThey sell the shoes for $10.(改为同义句)The shoes are __ __ for$10. marks 和description of goods 的区别?在填写国际贸易的单据时,经常会涉及到marks and numbers 和description of goods,我对这两项一直都不太能分得清,望高手赐教,谢谢了! they sell the shoes for $10改为同义句:按照这个格式:the shoes are()()for $10 full description of __ they___(sell)these shoes? Number and type of packages,description of .He doesn’t have any money ,______.A.either B.too C.also D.but As he doesn't have ____ money ____tickets,he has to ____them on TV at home if he ____ free. 用适当的代词填空 Sara is not please with ___in this English test . 最后一个被秦国灭掉的国家是 秦国最晚灭掉的是什么国最晚的国家的具体描述也要 我们学校打出标语以表示热烈欢迎 Our school put up a ___to show our __ _ 英语翻译在心中绽开着一朵小花 你给我的那朵不会枯萎的花 让我不再畏惧相信他人 变得更坚强 能与你相遇,真得很高兴 能与你牵手是我的骄傲 即使现在各自仰望着不同的天空 你看我一个