
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:17:09
Who's going to look after the dog?请问,为什么要用is,go已经是谓语动词了,还要BE动词吗? he is going after the dog 思乡主题朗诵的串词,余光中的《乡愁》和流沙河的《就是那一只蟋蟀》串词,急不要太长,两三句即可,明天就要 句型转换:He is too tired.He can't walk any farther.He is too tired to walk any farther.如果对,为什么没有和CAN'T对应的,表示否定(不能再走了)的单词呢? to be or not to be that is the question ,how to understand?help me 大陆是在板块之上移动的吗? 海平面上升和大陆版块移动有关吗?如题好像我问得有点歧义。我是指海平面上升会不会对版块移动有影响,不是指海平面上升的原因。比如海平面上升会加快版块运动吗? He's busy.He n___ gets up late every day. Jack's mum gets_____becuse he gets every late every day.A angry B always tellsC happy D angrily My little brother gets up at 8:00 every day.He is in the h------ of getting up late. He gets up late in de morning,so he runs to school every day 是什麼意思? more,can't,that,he,any,walk,so,he,tired,is组成一句 the old man was so tired that he could -- walk any more.A.never Balmost C.ever D.hardly 为什么选D?B.C为什么不对 生活中有哪些双面性 求一种双面性的自然现象世界上的任何一种事物都是一分为二的,请选择一种自然现象,说一说对人类的益处(除台风、火山爆发、灰尘以外) 难道世界上每一件事情都是两面的? travel excutive team leader怎么翻译 关于机遇的名言,能写几则写几则!越快越好. 都有哪些题材新颖的“诚信故事”? 现代大学生不诚信事件例子 要多 和短的故事,不要老的,要新的 求一个诚信的例子(短的故事)有人,有事,有物, I’m so tired that I can't go to____(far)any longer.(用所给词的正确形式完成句子) 1 I was so tired that I could go on any longer.(改为简单句) I’m so tired that I can't focus on anything today.翻译成汉语 《乡村四月》这首诗描写了()的景象.前两句写(),后两句写(),表现了(). if you find me mischief over again,please tell me?and blame me!//TODO:21亿 愉快的暑假作文800字两件事要愉快的两件事很急 谁给我说一下,“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”这句诗是什么意思? 黄鹤楼用英语怎么说? 做梦和现实有关系吗? 巧填成语.我爱祖国大地,万( )更新 成语填空“( )( )大地