
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:46:50
英语翻译是一首英文歌.有知道的最好也把下载地址粘贴上! Look!there is a nice girl______(collect)rubbish outside the gate The truck over there is a truck ____ rubbish.A.who collect B.collecting C.which collect D.who is collecting E.which is collectingWhich is right,why? There was a truck____rubbish collect B.collecting be collected D.collect My friend told me that there was a truck__rubbish outside.A.has collected collecting C.wasMy friend told me that there was a truck__rubbish outside.A.has collected collecting C.was collecting D.collecting There are some tractors _____(collect)the rubbish. important to do还是 imporyant doing 找出桃花源记中词的同义词.1沿着.2都 There is a big dog _____to a fence outside the house.为什么不选C? tieDties 假如生活欺骗了你39集40集(1-40集)全集大结局剧情是什么? 2.There is a big dog _______to a fence outside the house. A.tying B.tied tie D .ties4._______the early train,you'll have to get up early and rush in a taxi.A.Catching B.Caught C.To catch D.Catch4为什么不选D? 阅读《假如生活欺骗了你》,假如生活欺骗了你,你会怎么办?假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急!忧郁的日子里需要镇静:快乐的日子将会来临。心儿永远向往着未来;现在却常是忧郁 在屋顶上有一只鸟英语There is a bird on the ___ ____the house 发现发觉的同义词是什么?必须是”发“字开头 there is a big house____a garden____ ____ _____. enjoy doing sth.还是enjoy to do sth. enjoy doing 与enjoy to do区别有没有enjoy doing(我记得是没有) enjoy to do sth 和 enjoy doing sth 有何区别? enjoy to do sth enjoy doing sth?怎么区别? enjoy doing sth 那enjoy to do 是什么用法? 小学英语阅读(1)Two boysTwo friends are having a picnic together.Their names are Jim and Tim. Tim is very lazy. On the first evening of their holiday, Jim says to Tim,“Here's some money, Go and buy some meat.”“ I'm too tired,” Answer lf you are thirsty ,why ___some water you drink B.not to drink C.not drink D.don't drink 英语阅读小学 英语阅读, 英语阅读小学的 what time did you do your homework yesterday l did my homework________ 填什么 What_____________________(you/do)this time yesterday? what did you do at lunch time yesterday?What were you doing at lunch time yesterday?有什么区别? go you what bed did time yesterday to 连词成句 to do sth 和 doing sth 常见短语to do sth 与 doing sth 不定式短语. 翻译汉语.only you 阅读的翻译(快!)Money can make you happy,only if you spend it in a clever way.……阅读答案也可以,电脑上有这个文章,不过都是完型