
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 07:37:38
鲁迅笔下的范爱农是一个什么样的人范爱农是一个什么样的人 请用4个词语来形容 新世纪汉英大辞典与牛津词典那个好?新世纪汉英大词典 现代汉英词典 和牛津高阶英汉双解词典 哪本对单词的变化及用法解释的比较详细? They_the woods for the lost childA searchedB searchesC searched for *They are s__ the woods for a lost child*Does a__ live on the island There are some drinks in the fridge.怎么改为一般疑问句? 收集身边成功的故事了解身边成功的人士 余光中的 永远 我等 一个女人为你写这首诗,是想告诉什么 I said to him I have lost my watch and would found it.的间接引语 请举出一些人物及相关事例关于一些人因操劳过度而死的事例 最好是名人 I Have a lot of friends and money! I think there are some babys in the house.(哪写错了?) Our teacher often tell us_______to others A.friendly B.be friendly C.to be friendlyA.friendly B.be friendly C.to be friendly D.are friendly Police have found what appear to be human remains.请翻译一下. 英语翻译请教found后面的句子怎么翻译 the police dag are specially trained to seatch and find berglary suspects翻译 Who is the person that is standing at the school gate?这句话的意思? This man who is standing by the gate is difficult to ___.A.take apart.B.do with.C.deal withD.sort out Don't ___________ at the old man like that.最后一个字母是t,共5格: _ _ _ _t The man that I like is the one who is both competent and diligent怎么解释 杜甫诗《房兵曹胡马》胡马大宛名,锋棱瘦骨成.竹批双耳峻,风入四蹄轻.所向无空阔,真堪托死生.骁腾有如此,万里可横行.“骁腾有如此,万里可横行”的“横”字可替换吗?没有什么好的建议吗 be friendly to 等于什么 横行该怎么读 be friendly to还是with 还是for? be good with 和be friendly to 的区别 be friendly to sth与be friendly with sth有什么不同? 三毛流浪记读书笔记跪求2000字三毛流浪记读书笔记! 英语翻译一句翻译一句的 把诗句每一个字都组成一个词语把这个诗句每一个字组成成语,比如:( )白( )( ),( )日( )(),诗句是:白白日依山尽,黄河入海流.急死了 rosetta stone的激活码是什么用rosetta stong学重点的时候需要激活码 what she did surprised us请问这里的surprised还是形容词还是动词? 谢谢.还有this news surprised me也是。 请问rosetta stone的ISO具体怎么用你能跟我具体说一下吗? someone is living in my heart someone is living in my 我想要最正确的翻译虽然没分给你们祝你们全部健康