
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:22:44
I want to be a nurse and____ for sick people 我和同学想报名去新东方学英语怎么才能分到一个班? 英语翻译 英语翻译Has been over the past,it has not yet re-started,we have grown up and are no longer simply the heart,simple themselves,is the head of air-to-air and wants to remember everything,but nothing can recall,to forget everything,really easy?thin 自学英语,除了背单词,还用干嘛,那些过去式过去分词,将来时,过去式现在进行时怎么加ed跟ing 英语什么时候叫s或es,什么时候用现在进行时,什么时候是过去式,为什么要这样加. 怎么锻炼口语和听力啊,不要告诉我多听多说,我真的没有时间没有环境,也没有钱出国 我听力一直不好,ket的听力很难;口语在说之前我还要想一下,很多同学不用想就能说出来,怎么办呢?这样 如何在短时间内锻炼自己的口语,加强自己的听力. 各位大哥大姐帮帮小妹,填ABB的词!羞XX,娇XX,阴XX,恶XX, repair的过去式:修车这个词组怎么说,顺便教教我,修车的修也是repair这个修吗? 爱钻牛角尖爱哭的儿童该如何教育 七岁的孩子爱钻牛角尖怎么教育 求关于登山或风景旅游的诗句不要太出名的,但要写得好,可自创 damage injury hurt harm 这四个词的区别 injury ,damage.、harm 、ruin、hurt的区分求详解 injury,damage,wound,hurt的区别 harm injury ruin damage 的区别?说的详细一点举几个例子 .hurt,damage,harm,injure,harm,destroy,ruin的区别搞了好久也弄不明白,高人指点一下吧 谢谢 How long does your mother usually spend __ a big dinner?空格处填,preparing为什么后面不加for 如何让孩子对英语感兴趣 办公室英语口语 初一英语单词录音在哪下载 英语短语:1.给某人写信(2)句 2.适合做某事 ask的过去式怎麽写或这是什麽 英语翻译5个英译汉的句子:1.Scarcely had I fallen in sleep when my mother came in.2.The gentlemen unfortunately took notice of Mike's name,which was written in many parts of the book.3.And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and snow 英语翻译congratulations!your frieng huangyali has just received your greetings!you can pick it again at :………………enjoy a goood dayu have fun! 单句改错:does your mother usually go to the shop on the weekend 高三英语怎么加强?我是2011年的考生,现在高三了,别的功课都还可以,只有英语最拉分,每次只能考个70分左右,基础比较差,现在想抓紧时间突破,利用一年的时间将英语提高及格甚至100分以上,前 写新闻用write还是draw draw and write. 英语翻译 How long should your legs be?这是脑筋急转弯 Both of them are fond of playing table tennis. (改为否定句)______ of them ______ fond of playing table tennis.67. Mary runs faster than Jane. (保持句意基本不变) Jane ______ run as ______ as Mary.68. The little boy didn’t go to scho