
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:44:38
The team were____with the_____by their players.请问以下哪题正确1.pleasing;pleasing score 2.pleased;pleasing shot3.pleased;pleased score 4.pleased;shooting the football players in the local team were__with money for their efforts in winning the competitionrewarded awardedpraisedvalued 初一数学,第二个方程怎么列? were are the team这句话什么意思? 高中数学书籍 助动词和情态动词改错问题3When a friend gave John a ticket to the game,he couldn't help but (going).括号里的是错的.要把going改成go,为什么呢? 助动词和情态动词改错问题5We requested that the superintendent of the building clean up the storage room in the basement so that the children (had) enough space for their bicycles.括号里的是错的.应该改成might have,为什么不 助动词和情态动词改错问题4Had Aristole asked his wife to keep her mouth open while he counted her teeth,he (could avoid) the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men.括号里的是错的,可是为什么应该改成have avo 助动词和情态动词改错问题2I hope you can visit my country soon because I (like) to show you some of the beautiful scenery near my home.括号里的是错的.应该改成would like.虽说如此,可是如果把like改成liked的话,不也可 《史密斯夫妇》里面的那首英文歌是谁唱的?就是片中两人初遇以及枪战时的插曲,是谁唱的?叫什么名字?谢谢回答! 胡裕树主编的现代汉语和黄伯荣廖旭东主编的现代汉语 有什么差别 黄伯荣写的《现代汉语》增订3版和增订4版有什么不同,哪个更好?如果考试要用的话,那一个更好? walk down等于 go alone吗? a little bit与a bit little的程度大小比较,以及后面可以跟的所有词性 a little,a bit,a little bit,a lot of ,a few 分别修饰什么词性. would sb mind (not) doing sth?could sb please (not) doing sth?的答句希望全一点! 推荐一本从零开始学英语的语法书,急求!我现在高一了.英语完全不懂,老师听课也不会,但我感觉再不补英语就来不及了,什么语法啊,英语作文啊,我通通不会,考英语完全是靠选择题运气,我现在 有哪些适合差生学英语的语法书?要的那种是哪里都有的买的哪一种! He asked his wife for____cup of coffee.(单选)He asked his wife for____cup of coffee.A.other B.another C.the other D.others He didn`t seem to be in a hurry and asked hiswife for another cup of coffee大哥大姐,帮帮偶啦 我对学英语【高中】很困惑,买了语法书和语法题,还是蒙头转向的,谁能告诉我一点好的方法? 七年级下册英语作业本(2)P9页的题目 P9 音标/t/加-ed要怎么读 怎样把一个简单的信念坚持到底? 有关坚守信念的名言 明天就要交(急!)求八下语文书第3课《我的第一本书》和4《列夫托尔斯泰》字词第3课《我的第一本书》和4《列夫托尔斯泰》字词就是课后的那几个词.明天就要交了!今天就要! 语文八下的课文.列夫托尔斯泰.“这对眼睛不会放过微不足道的细节”,这句话表明列夫托尔斯泰————————.“它们容不得幻影”的含义是——————————————.“托尔斯泰 想认真的学英语,是不是要从语法学起呢,好多语法书,不知道买谁的比较全面准确如题,求指教 用下列词组造句:1.be doing 2.differentcultures 3.mind doing 4.see sb do 5.be ready to do6.such as doing 7.be educational 8.nothing importand 一对一外教的收费标准大概是多少? 外教一对一收费标准 多少钱算比较合适?