
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:44:19
HELP ME 英语翻译Carbon dioxide is found in some oil and gas fields as aseparate gas phase or dissolved in oil.This type of storage isrelatively common in Southeast Asia,China and Australia,less common in other oil and gas provinces such as in Algeria,Rus 宋之鄙人得璞玉献之子罕,子罕不受.鄙人曰:“此宝也,宜为君子器,不宜为细人用.解释谢了 宋子罕以廉为宝_“不若人有其宝”中的“若”是什么意思?“宋人或得玉”中的“或”是什么意思?“不若人有其宝”中的“若”是什么意思?原文:宋人或得玉,献诸子罕.子罕弗受.献玉者曰: 子罕说宝中子罕置诸其里的诸是什么意思? 用mine,his,hers,yours造两个句子是各造两个 help me 用mine 、 yours 、theirs、his、hers、its 分别造句、造完后意思! help me! mine、yours都在什么时候用?不要造句, 怎么做都像是错,help me mine= yours= hers= 求救呀!谁会做啊!help me! 新概念英语怎么学? 新概念英语 怎么学 子罕弗受玉的原文译文 英语翻译凯枫是我的名字 给我翻译成英文名 希望告诉我怎么读 fill in the blanks with mine ,yours,his,hers,theirs,and,ours. 英语翻译Homemakers and those with little household power report income as often as others if allowed to report approximate rather than exact amounts. 英语翻译Then we flew the coop to Michigan to start a new be-ditchingMissouri from Michigan didn't workSo we moved back to Missouri from Michigan,from Missouri back to MichiganSomeone put me out my misery,I can't do this againMom please stick to a 急求高中三年英语单词录音带请给个地址, 子罕弗受玉>的译文急2~! 求高中三年的英语单词录音(人教版) 最好还有三年的知识归纳 英语翻译朋友想将钢材贸易公司名称翻译成英文的,考虑了一下他的中文名称是“凯锐星”做成音译比较好些,大家给些建议,翻译成什么比较合适? 请问哪有 的 英语单词表?请问? 锐 做个英文名本人名字陈锐,请各位帮忙做个英文名,谢谢! Tom and ___ofen clean our classroom ____after school We should clean our classroom after school everyday.这句话哪错里了?考试作文就因为这句话打了119分! My job is _____our.classroom after school(clean) 请问fifths怎么读?是读不发音的th长些,还是不咬舌头,读ts或dz长些?3/5 three fifths mine,hers,yours等是名词性物主代词,相当于一个名词.它相当于“ +名词 英语翻译103、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云.( 唐元稹离思)104、年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同.( 唐刘希夷)105、醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回!( 唐王翰凉州词)106、黑发不知勤