
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:39:07
求描写月亮的静态美动态美朦胧美的句子是五年级的24课望月的题目 The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down.为什么译为人们请求教区的牧师叫人把树砍掉,而不是,译为这个牧师被告诉去砍掉这树(他自己) he has been asked to have the tree cut down 这句话怎么理解he has been asked to have the tree cut down曾经有人要他把这棵树砍掉请问he was asked to have the tree cut down和第一句有什么区别现在分词强调结果,我没感 he vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down,but so far he has refused.1:上句中:has been asked to...是被动语态吧?2:have the tree cut down,为什么要加个have,个人觉得这样不就可以了吗?-------cut down the ) The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down为什么不是牧师要求砍树? have been down 意思HAVE DOWN HAVE BEEN DOWN有什么区别?-He wants to have _____word with you.-I know,___word has come that I am the next person he wants to talk.A:/ ,the B:a ,the C:a,/ D:the ,a选什么?最好讲解下.补充下:be make use 根据意思写出ABCC式或AABB式的成语.1 路途十分遥远; 2形容名声很大; 3 形容旅途劳累的样子;4形容举止文雅.ABCC式和AABB式. 表达成绩好的abcc式的成语 关于《岁月如歌》的作文 英语笔译、口译是不是很难呀? 关于英语笔译和口译我现在大二,准备考BEC,也想考笔译和口译,水平六级600以上,请问我可以考几级的?还有笔译又分一级二级,初级高级什么的,如果我将来不专职从事翻译,只是想兼职并且作为 a problem has been detected and windows has been 1shut down to prevent damage to your computera problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerthe problem seems to be causd by the following file :viaidexp.s 英语笔译和口译想提高水平,可推荐一些实用的书 英语翻译Have you ever had problems in your life and don't know how to be happyIf___,you will find "Being a Happy Teenager(青少年)" written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful.In his book,Matthews tells us how to have a happy lifb an i have on time to d______ your problem 高人翻译 A Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to yourA Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer If this is the first time you~ve seen this stop error scre Have you ever had problems in your life的原文空的答案Have you ever had problems in your life and don't know how to be happy?If___,you will find "Being a Happy Teenager(青少年)" written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful.In his b 形容旅途劳累的样子.请问用什么成语表示,aabc或abcc形式的, 形容奔波忙碌,旅途辛苦劳累的样子 用什么成语 if you have any problem.为什么不用problems Have any problem doing Do you have any____out the problem?答案中A为difficulty in workingC为difficulties working 已知该短语为have difficult (in)doing即in可省略 那为什么答案选A呢 any后面一般不都是跟复数的么 手机打字不容易 所以 i don't have any problems working out the match problem 改为同义句 i will work out - - - - - - 人物个性细节描写(段或句子)人物个性细节描写 东华大学翻译硕士是笔译还是口译 我要描写人物细节的句子急有没有多一点的? 要有人物的神态心理动作语言的细节描写句子 形容极度疲劳的成语有哪些?写两个就足够了,要好一点的,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!~ Do you have some more paper?some与more都是多的意思,为什么还要写两个? you often have problems in your life .some are serious and some are not……You often have problems in your life.Some are serious and some are not.When you have problems you will probably ask someone else 1 advice.He will give you advice about your 描写人物的词语 请问啊 Time is more valuable than money是什么意思尼