
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:48:42
i'll buy it与i'll take it这两个是不是同意句啊 两者有什么区别 i'll (take)it.为什么不是buy?get? 英语 1.The hat looks nice i think i will ____it A take B buy 为什么不选b He'll buy the watch ____ it may take.A.whatever B.what C.no matter D.how muchWhy meaning? 大家帮我挑挑语法错误吧Good morning,dear teachers and friends!Today,I am very glad to introduce myself to youMy name is Wang Shiyang,I am twelve years old.Now look at me,can you see I have small eyes,short hair and wearing a pair of glasses 大家帮我给一个句子挑挑错误~Being so outstanding maybe because of what he believed:"No cross,no crown."这个句子有语法错误么?用词错误呢?怎样修改能更漂亮? 大家帮我挑挑语法错误吧,嘻嘻Good morning,dear teachers and friends!Today,I am very glad to introduce myself to youMy name is Wang Shiyang,I am twelve years old.Now look at me,can you see I have small eyes,short hair and wearing a pair of This T shirt is (if to for too)small for me to wear.选择括号中的哪个? This sweater is too small.It is u_to wear it.2.The weak cat made an u_sound,it sounded so strange. I‘m afraid this sweater is too (small) for me.每空一次 党在新民主主义革命时期形成的统一战线有哪些 新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党建立统一战线的必要性及可能性是什么 推荐一些好听欧美音乐(好听追加20分).要求:要是女生唱的、节奏轻快的~不要抒情(摇滚、R&B 、电子、hip hop、hip hop的也可以)但拒绝复制.最好是这两年内的,歌不要太老啦!请加上歌手名,重 求英文歌曲推荐,采纳后分追满女声 歌曲 什么语言随便啦,比较安静的,很自主的那种,就是 一个人自顾自唱自己的歌,表达自己的感情.节奏不要太快,很轻松就是.适合在无聊的下午咖啡厅听听 The simple 朱鹮的“鹮”字在普通话怎么读?读哪个声?如题 朱鹮 鹮字是几声? bbf为什么叫做最好的朋友?怎么拼的? More Than Life Belief in the breeze,The smoky morning haze.The sun on her face,and the touch of lovers' hands.The pain that comes today,Is here,then goes away.And we are homeward bound,And I,I want this more than life,I want this more than life,I wan There ____(be) a class meeting next Friday.Our teacher__(have) something to say.用所给氮气的适当形式填空. There will be forty students in our class next term.对划线地方提问 划线为forty. bbf是什么好朋友什么的英文缩写、、什么best friend不是井柏然那个啊 bbf的全称是什么啊?中文是最好的朋友,那英文呢? 有一首很好听的英文歌曲,第一句是:mama,you give life to me很好听,很感人,我觉得应该挺有名的 在王府井教堂听到唱诗班唱的一首很好听的英文歌曲,节奏很好,里面好像有give me the bread,求歌名 有一个关于世界杯足球杯的欢快的英文歌曲,其中有一句歌词是give me free我记的在公交车上播放我爱世界杯时候的背景音乐,而且比较欢快的,节奏也比较快 son of bitch damn 与 shit有什么区别该如何使用,当我想抱怨时,该用fuck 还是shit 还是damn 就是口语中,类似哩语(shit,damn),一个词,scratch!怎么翻译?是不是滚蛋? 翻译一下“damn it fanyi BBF是什么意思,我记得是说最好的朋友,全称是什么?best什么的? 看见有些事一定是真的吗?