
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:02:00
6our philosophy teacher ____(live)in shanghai for a long time long time no see .do still live in shanghai it's 1 year since i lived there-long time no see .do still live in shanghai - it's 1 year since i lived therea,yes,i do b,no,i don't He _____ (live) in Shanghai now用现在进行时和一般现在时哪个好?为什么?急! 贾岛推敲的故事唐朝的贾岛是著名的苦吟派诗人.什么叫苦吟派呢?就是为了一句诗或是诗中的一个词,不惜耗费心血,花费工夫.贾岛曾用几年时间做了一首诗.诗成之后,他热泪横流,不仅仅是高 你在上海生活多久了: how long do you live in shanghai? 可以这样说吗?Rt 如果可以那么为什么要加介词 in 如果不可以请说明理由 非常谢谢. He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette 翻译 how long have you()shanghaiAget toBreachedCarrived atDbeen in 英语翻译不要随便找软件翻译,主要是consequential 还有my junior和前面的20 years是修饰谁的? Year 7 in Britain is different from junior 1 in China.中“junior ( ) this semester,he will graduate from junior high school.A.In the end B.Last C.At the end of D.At end of要原因 jim is from England ,and his pals comes from the USA怎么翻译 翻译歌词-->sunshine-molellaHold my hands,take me closeNow I'm bringing you a roseStay with me,fill my lifeTake me to your paradiseLife's a game I played my holeI never did what I was toldTouch me now,don't fight with meAnd take the rain away The 谁有August的sunshine的音标? 补全对话:A:Hi,Beth.1_____tomorrow evening.B:Yes,i am.why?A:2_________you to dinner at my hous补全对话:A:Hi,Beth.1_____tomorrow evening.B:Yes,i am.why?A:2_________you to dinner at my house.B:Thank you.That's very kind 3_________you to invi 除了贾岛的"推敲''还有没有其他的故事 推敲的故事有没有除了贾岛还有没有其他故事? we are going to stay in shanghai for a week?对for a week题问 She stayed in Shanghai for a week.这句话的问句可以用How long吗?或者 How soon?这两个有什么区别? 英语翻译华为W1,留一扇看世界的窗,徜徉世界的蔚蓝.动态的磁贴;系统更安全;移动办公及人脉功能;2020MAh大容量电池阳光般灿烂的热情之花,我们精心雕刻,传递似火般的微笑燃烧你我,努力 lucy is going to stay in shanghai () a last week b for a week c after a week 将下面这两段话翻译成英语,急·····谢谢!1. 中国将继续大力发展对外贸易,更好地实施以质取胜、市场多元化和科技兴贸战略,扩大货物和服务贸易进出口.中国将坚持积极合理有效地利用外 英语翻译中国文化之所以仅存零星者,说者谓有二故:一者华土之民,先居黄河流域,颇乏天惠,其生也勤,故重实际而黜玄想,不能集古传以成大文.二者孔子出,以修身齐家治国平天下等实用为教, Judy is going to stay in Shanghai for___.A.a week or two B.one or two weeks C,one and two weeks august heat was a city mouse who enjoyed his life in a big house这篇完形填空的答案 would you like____the English Evening?join in to jointake part into take part in 热量表(heat meter)中,heat-conveying liquid 的中文翻译叫什么?多谢了! 英语翻译所有模板均由html架构css布局,提供免费演示及下载使用是 下载使用 不是只下载 建筑英语方面高手请进,帮忙翻译下面两段话这样的布局使新老两个建筑都位于东北角和西南角形成的空间轴线上,互为犄角,相互照应.整个基地内建筑空间和场地空间相互穿插,空间穿透,削弱 英语翻译所谓的承诺 太过虚假 我们的爱情 纯属虚构`如有雷同``那是巧合```最浪漫的三个字不是“我爱你” 而是“在一起” 谁能对我的爱情就像对人民币一样忠诚? 英语翻译This Night RemainsI won’t find an ocean to livein a soul of fish,in body of a catevery night I go out to drown (myself)sometimes stars,some others the edge of abyssI’m chasing something like the castawaymy years are like cigarettes pu We need _____(exercise)to keep in healthy every day. I just want to quiet a person,do not provoke love翻译